James' gentle actions took Freya by surprise, and when he pulled back, her cheeks were flushed. Instinctively tucking some hair behind her ear and giving a small smile. His statement was correct, perhaps it would be better to tell them at the same time. They might save some time and be able to answer whatever questions might come from telling them...Was that Adrian? She felt herself stiffen, even if she was the next-in-line to take the manor, Adrian was one scary man! Swallowing, she watched as the serious male simply moved about his routine as if nothing had changed, pouring tea and silently inviting them to sit. Hearing James start to fumble through his words, she gently squeezed his hand.[color=0072bc][b] "What...What James means to tell you, Adrian. We were going to tell you and Daddy. Honest, it's just with school and the party we just didn't have time so we just wanted to let you know that we--" [/b][/color]Freya stopped, and let out a small gasp. [color=0072bc][b]"You..You do?"[/b][/color] What was she kidding, of course he knew! It was true what they said - Nothing gets past Adrian. Seeing the rather parental stare he was giving them, Freya shrank back a little. Was she going to have to try to defend her position that she had taken with this? However, what they got instead was...was that Adrian's form of teasing? It was...odd. Her cheeks flushed. Did she really stare that much?! She had thought she was being rather secretive watching James as he went about his duties. Slowly taking a seat, she was relieved to hear that Adrian wasn't mad. The air seemed to return to normal as James pulled the schedule out and hearing Adrian wanted to also give his advice, she smiled brightly towards him. [color=0072bc][b]"Me? Turn away your help Adrian? Of course not. I'd welcome your perspective almost anytime."[/b][/color] Gently passing the tablet over towards Adrian, she took a small sip of the tea, letting the warmth pass through before speaking. [color=0072bc][b]"I know it's already obvious from how the party went, but Wonderland Amusement and The Porcelain Doll Company will be incredibly easy to work with. I haven't ever collaborated in doll making, so I'm not sure how to approach it. This is a pretty big deal - do we want to do something completely different than their current style to mark the start of a new era of dolls?"[/b][/color] Thinking of Wonderland, she laughed lightly. [color=0072bc][b]"I don't think we need to plan for Wonderland. I'm sure that I could come there today and we would be readily welcomed. I do have to say I'm not sure how to approach Charles. Steel and Manufacturing isn't something I'm familiar with. There's also the issue with Alex Durnham. I don't exactly care for that sport, but his father does contribute greatly towards our assets, but helps with the university and keeping it a pleasant place for everyone to learn. I would rather not meet with him at all, but I know that would probably be an impossible request. I'm drawing some blanks on how to approach the other heirs...So, perhaps I could use your input for that? I'm also unsure of when we would want to start meeting up with them."[/b][/color]