[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@Blubaron45] good to see you again Baron, this looks excellent, could you let me know a little more about the plot? [/quote] Good to see you again as well friend. I believe I played on one of your RPs? Apologies if I do not remember too well. Maybe the boxing made me lose one too many brain cells. Sure thing! As its stated in the plot section of this RP, our story will be taking place in the eyes of crew members aboard a cargo/transport aethership called the [i]Strativella[/i]. Our job is rather simple for the time being: deliver any goods from anyone that hires us in our encounters throughout North Africa and Europe (and eventually America and possibly Latin America) and keep flying. Though our business is mostly occupied in the transporting of illegal goods, most notably liquor and "medical supplies" since this does take place during prohibition, we will take other jobs as well like transporting people from one place to the next. Think of it as a trucking and taxi service I guess. As the plot unravels, the crew aboard the ship will encounter several strange events that have been going on in the world. If you read the the letter written in the beginning which vaguely touches on these subjects, this is essentially what's tied to what is going on in the plot. I don't want to be too specific as to give anyway the story altogether, but it has to do with the underground cities which we will visit at some point as well. We will also first initially begin in Italian-Occupied North Africa in Tunisia before reaching Sicily and taking transporting jobs from there. Not sure if this answered your question fully.