[quote=@Heat] But don't you know that praying for hurricane victims actually prevents future hurricanes? Thoughts and prayers is the most powerful thing in the world. Not donating money, or time, or any other form of actual aid. [/quote] Thoughts and prayers are more powerful than you think. That said, I think most people realize that a large majority of people who give their money, time, and medical aid are Christians and other religious folk who believe it is their duty to help out those in need. Many of the largest charities that do good work around the world were started by religious groups and a lot of those types still give to charities, help out in the community, etc. Well just going to say also I'm a [i]Sola Scriptura[/i][Bible Only] type of person so even if [@Andreyich] doesn't consider me a Christian I certainly do, though I consider myself a follow of Christ first and foremost before any such grouping. Well since I wanted to get in something more political now here we have an unashamed defending of Antifa by non-other than the good old [url=https://frontier.yahoo.com/news/nazi-puncher-apos-dilemma-195738892.html]Huffpost[/url]. Pretty much they seem to be trying to sneak in ANTIFA with all the various anti-fascists groups in order to defend their violent tendencies. Real classy.