[center][b][h1]ANNOUNCEMENT[/h1][/b][/center] Firstly, I won't be accepting any more Fifth Year characters other than ones that have already been submitted for review. We only have two Fourth Years so far, including my own which I haven't finished yet, so we're gonna need more people for the Fourth Year. Also - I'll be making a relationship sheet at some point for people to fill out prior to the IC being launched. These guys have been at school for a good few years, so they'll have at least had some contact with other characters. Let us know if you're friends, enemies, rivals, lovers or strangers! Also also - we could use a few more Ravenclaws. Hufflepuff and Slytherin seem to be the most popular houses at the moment! I'm not closing them as of yet, but if you're making a second character I encourage you to pick a house you haven't used already.