[hider=Aibhlinn Sarah Lynch] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/62/95/8b/62958b2b10ab820924f556e941334113--pretty-face-natural-beauty.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Aibhlinn (Ave + leen) Sarah Lynch ([url=https://www.babynamesofireland.com/audio/aibhlinn.mp3]Pronunciation[/url]) [b][u]Age: [/u][/b] 14 [b][u]Birthday: [/u][/b] December 12, 1942 [b][u]Sex: [/u][/b] Female [b][u]Ethnicity: [/u][/b] White [b][u]Nationality: [/u][/b] Irish [b][u]School Year:[/u][/b] Fourth [b][u]Blood Status:[/u][/b] Half-blood [b][u]Hogwarts House: [/u][/b] Slytherin [b][u]Pet:[/u][/b] [url=http://tetonraptorcenter.org/assets/media/images/raptor-profiles/LEOW%20Darrel%20Birkett.png]Long-eared Owl[/url] [b][u]Boggart: [/u][/b] Spider; Puffs out into a balloon with big/surprised eyes and floats away [b][u]Wand:[/u][/b] Hawthorn Wood; Unicorn Hair Core; 11 1/4" length; Quite bendy flexibility [b][u]Favourite Lesson:[/u][/b] Astronomy; Has always found a fascination with the lights in the sky, the way a simple change in planet patterns can alter a personality or the ability to do things. [b][u]Least Favourite Lesson:[/u][/b] Herbology; Simply put, she doesn't like getting dirty [b][u]Extracurricular Activities: [/u][/b] Music; Ancient Runes Club (H.A.R.C.) [b][u]Appearance: [/u][/b] Aibhlinn has medium blonde, curly hair with natural low lights that sits just between her shoulder blades (when curly, longer when straighter) but her fern green eyes are usually what draws peoples attention first and are Aibh's favourite thing about her appearance, along with the scrunching or wiggling of her nose when she gives you that "what the hell" look. Those green eyes turn crystal like if she is in an emotional state but a deeper shade when she becomes overly concentrated on something. She comes in at an average 5'5" height and weighs a healthy 125lbs (56.7 kg), so her clothing choices are endless. Aibhlinn has her days were she likes to dress up a bit more (pairing anything she can with her prized leather jacket or a fitted bolero jacket) but when she is in the safety of her common room, she tends to wear slacks and a comfortable sweater to do all her major studying and planning in. She is often found with a small smile or smirk on her face that showcases the single dimple on her left cheek but often when she is intensely focused on something her eyebrows will scrunch in while she is chewing on her bottom lip. As much as she prides herself on good grades, she is a nervous test taker which leads to the bouncing of her left foot on the floor, shaking her own leg and often hitting the leg of her desk. Puberty has been kind to Aibhlinn but she is quite uncomfortable with the changes, hence the over-sized clothes she tends to wear. Shirts tend to be the more difficult clothing choice when she has the option to dress nicer, so she is often grateful for the bulky shirts of Hogwarts. [b][u]Personality: [/u][/b] Aibhlinn is a bit of a book nerd. She loved learning the history on Hogwarts and has an incredible interest in the sky above. When she gets into the zone of studying things that interest her she can become quite cut-off and quite, maybe even a little irritable when you interrupt her. She has a highly sarcastic or smart-ass side that she loves using with everyone and sometimes crosses a line when she uses it with the teachers as well. She is heavily loyal to her Hogwarts house and is quick to defend anyone, something that has only grown stronger in her as the years go by in this school. Her determination is another thing to be envied and can be rivaled by most Ravenclaws' in this matter. When Aibhlinn sets her mind to something she will achieve it, even if you tell her she can't, she will prove to you that she can. Her compassion is a side that most don't see, she only exposes that side if she can trust you enough to open up and that is where her observation skill comes in handy. [b][u]Backstory: [/u][/b] Born to a Wizard father and a muggle mother, Aibhlinn was graced with getting both sides of the world. She spent her first five years of school going to private schools in Ireland as well as England, learning the muggle subjects and having the same desires as her classmates. She developed her love for books at a young age and always found the muggle children stories amusing. Most of them were close to the wizarding stories her parents told her about but the fantasy stories muggles had always made her laugh. When she received her Hogwarts letter of acceptance she was elated. However, upon arriving at Hogwarts she encountered many difficulties as she was picked on for her half-blood heritage among other things. Aibhlinn was already a strong-willed, determined little girl so despite the constant bullying and name calling, she proved herself to her Slytherin counterparts that she could be just as cunning, determined and resourceful as the lot of them. She still encounters her troubles but she developed a much stronger backbone and ability to throw in her sarcastic remarks to the response of smiles. Having much still to learn Aibhlinn can be found in the library, frequenting the astronomy tower or walking the grounds with her owl counterpart flying overhead. [b][u]Extra: [/u][/b] Has a major sweet tooth; loves to dance and to blare music in the common room. [/hider] [hider=Writing Sample] Why did Hogwarts have so many blasted stairs? And why did the Slytherin common room have to be in the dungeons, creating the most amount of stair climbing anyone had to do. Aibhlinn cursed as she made the last set of stairs to the seventh floor corridor. She pulled her hood up from her cloak and stuck to the shadows of the darkened hallway. She paused there in the shadows, straining her ears for any sign of movement of noise. She dashed to the other side and started pacing quickly in front of the door. On her third pass a simple door appeared. She pushed it open, quickly stepping inside and shut it quietly. She let out the air she had been holding and turned around, slumping against the door. The Room of Requirement. She had heard about this place in her third year and had located it with a few of her friends, thinking up of things they had wanted to bring with them to Hogwarts but couldn't, but the room provided what that sought with no questions. After awhile Aibhlinn started coming by herself and it became a sort of save haven. One with no judgement, were you didn't have to get the good grades or side with the Slytherins when they were bashing the Gryffindors. In this room, Aibhlinn was free. She walked over to the marble white piano and ran her fingers across the top, down its cool side and then lightly over the keys, not making a single sound. She came here simply for the room and would think of various things she wanted in the room, books, runes, musical instruments... One time she had read up on Augureys' and thought of seeing one up close, studying it and when she opened the door she was inside a forested area with in Ireland, surrounded by them. Everyone once in awhile she would think of one before entering, just for the quiet companionship of the bird if she didn't wish to be outside to see her owl. Aibhlinn sat down at the piano and slowly started to plink away at the keys. It started off as a mournful tune, something she had composed but then it drifted into a great melody from what they were learning in class. It was giant and free, hopeful and Aibhlinn played on until her fingers hurt. [/hider] [hider=Relationships] Acquaintances: Honey Friends: Kendall; Andreas; Amit; Konstantin (potential crush); Korbin; Best Friends: Kendall; Crush: Rival: Elizabeth; Enemy: [/hider]