[@LokiLeo789] Lorne watched as the strange man approached him, apparently ready to give him his final rites. He couldn't say it wasn't kind in a way. It wasn't wrong to assume such things, especially with the whole "I can fit my whole fist into my torso" issue, but the man apologized anyway... very strangely. It wasn't hard to assume from his strange dialect that he wasn't exactly from around here, yet another foreigner, alongside himself, the weird half-naked guy, and the guy outside waving the Runesword around, it was weird to have so many outsiders gathered in one place, but he supposed he was a sort of magnet for these types of things. He wasn't rotting away, so his amulet was okay, but he still grabbed for it just in case. Grabbing for the closest table, he pulled himself to his feet nimbly and quickly, the whole hole in the chest thing not exactly posing an issue in that regard. He looked at the strange man's costume, it was... sort of practical, a sort of camouflage in a way, but he had no clue what benefit the giant antlers on his head could pose, unless he got on all fours and hung around a few bucks. Lorne wore a mostly brown-green outfit for that same reason, not that he was one to discuss camouflage what with the piercing white mask and all. Lorne leaned on the table as he pulled a few burnt chunks of flesh out of his intestines and tried to figure out how exactly he was going to close himself up, giving the strange man a smile that was hidden behind his mask. [color=mediumpurple]"Even if I am still alive, I have to thank you for being so willing to give a complete stranger his last rites. Now, I don't know if you saw it, but there is a man with The Runeblade...Runesword? Sword with letters on it out there, so perhaps staying around isn't the best option, just a hunch of mine,"[/color] he informed the man as he drew the blade on his hip. Just in case.