[center][color=B0C4DE][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/105402675/original.gif[/img] [I]Location: Building 6 (Armory)[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=B0C4DE]"I'm so sorry Chloe.."[/color] Riley said softly as she searched the rest of her sister's gear and stuffed them into her pack, they would need the supplies later most likely. She also took her sister's flannel shirt quickly stuffing it down into her pack, when she heard Niesha's voice she looked up at her for a moment. Wiping away a few tears as she tried to not cry in front of her, and looked back down, she adjusted her pack grabbing Chloe's empty bag as well. [color=B0C4DE]"She shot herself we need to go now..."[/color] Riley simply answered she didn't want to say anything else as she picked up her sister's body. Riley slowly walked down the stairs and back to the first floor, she didn't say anything to Ravi either as she walked over towards one of the caskets in the room. She didn't want to leave her sister's body like that upstairs as she slowly opened it up, Riley laid Chloe's body down inside it. Looking down at her twin's body one last time before finally closing it, shortly after she did that Riley could hear the wood both above and all around them starting to creak. Riley whipped away a few more tears, she would have to mourn later right now she was responsible for Ravi and Niesha and make sure that they got out of the building. [color=B0C4DE]"We need to get out now i'm scrubbing the run, we need to get back see what we can do."[/color] Riley called out for both Ravi and Niesha as she started to make her way towards the door waiting for both Ravi and Niesha to follow her. In the distance Riley froze as she could see the smoke in the air as well as the walls around the Franklin Section had fallen. Riley instantly started to worry about Amelia her girlfriend was still in town. Riley quickly reached for her radio to try and get any of the other leads on the line, but all she heard was static. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=f08080]Meghna Kumar[/color] & [color=lightblue]Raymond Mendoza[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcemv69Ck01rwt71l.gif[/img] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/075e5a5ff388f28cbb19f47067d4e7c3/tumblr_inline_o8oba6LhDT1rylxej_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: The Graveyard[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Meghna looked down at Amelia and nodded as she knelt down in front of her looking down at her seeing the girl sobbing. [color=f08080]"We are fine Amelia, we need to get the hell out of here."[/color] She said gesturing to the few buildings that were there. [color=f08080]"I need you to be strong okay, bug out bags we need to grab at least three for me, you and Ray."[/color] Meg said as much as she was worried and wanted to breakdown and cry right then and there. She needed to get herself and the others to safety, Meg knew the bugout plan by heart in case something like this did happen. Meg heard LeAnn's voice in her head once more. She still wasn't sure if she was going crazy or not, but she knew the warning and they didn't have much time at all to get out. Meg offered Amelia a hand and pulled her up motioned for her to follow. Raymond remained on his feet looking over at Amelia seeing her bursting out into tear he felt bad for her Ray offered a hand to help Amelia up to her feet as well. He listened to Meg and nodded they needed to get the bugout bags before they left, Raymond and Meg turned over and started to make their way into one of the buildings. Raymond looked over his shoulder once more as much as he wanted to stay and find out that Tiffany was alright, he couldn't get out of the area that they were trapped in, they needed to get out as quickly as possible. He really wasn't sure what he was going to do without Tiffany if he would ever see her again. Meg took out her radio she still wasn't sure if it was working or not, but she needed to try and get the message out even if her radio got static on the other end. [color=f08080]"This is Meghna, if anyone else can hear me we need to leave now. Grab your bugout bags and leave."[/color] Meg said as she held open the door for both Ray and Amelia to walk into hopefully the bags were all still located where she had placed them. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Alena Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljywk0dKKN1qcm8bf.gif[/img] [I]Location: Braelinn Village Shopping Center[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Alena looked over at the parking lot in the distance one last time licking her lips she couldn't wait to sink her teeth into hearing the person's screams. [color=yellow]"ITs way more entertaining to see the dead chomp away at someone as well though."[/color] She said with a light laugh, but went on ahead with Nathan's plan on silently stalking her from a distance. She followed his lead and made sure that she stayed low to the ground her eyes wondering back to keep her eyes on the target. [color=yellow]"When we do kill her can I call dibs on her clothes as well? Been wanting a newer set of clothes as well."[/color] Alena asked, she didn't care about the other supplies, most of her clothes back in Eden had seen better days they were either stained in Walker blood as well as some people she had killed or they were torn up quiet a bit.