[@AngelofOctober][@lemonzest1337] [Center] [h3]Anko[/h3][/center] [hr] Anko's smile faltered sightly at the sudden change in tone and behavior. "Ah. O-okay. I'm sorry for keeping you two. I didn't mean to be a bother. My apologies again for running into you," she said softly. "I'll figure things out. Somehow." With that said, she dusted off her clothes and gave a small wave. "I wish you two the best of luck with your important engagement." She looked around with a twinge of concern. He hadn't said which way the tram with the map was. With a bit of a fluttering movement she glanced back at the two before moving towards a bench nearby and sitting. "Way to go, Anko. Creep out the nice boy while you're lost," she muttered with her head in her hands. "Oh well... You'll figure things out. You always do."