[@Lady Selune] Nearly got two aces in a row with Valkyrie today. Granted, I'm way better with Mira, and Mira's my best girl (I just looooooooove that Vector and shotgun secondary) and I casually got a 3-K today. It's even harder to play Valkyrie nowadays, though, with Dokkaebi (DokkaeBAE?). I just thought it was even more hilarious whenever Dokka hacked all my Valk cams, and I hid just out of sight of one, and shot her as she rushed into OBJ thinking that my valk cams would highlight any enemies... :) And I'll throw in a post tomorrow about Carpenter's crowd-response. My standing point with him not knowing much about supernatural is that he was transferred straight over from the Marines- had his discharge and stuff, then got his orders to 'report over there asap" and this is more or less his first day in. His resume has 'learns on the job,' after all.