[@Lady Selune] [hider=White Noise Gun Rant: The BOSG has trash hitreg.] I spent two full days, like ten hours' worth, trying to get good, and while it is a super powerful gun, it's just got absolute trash hitreg, outside of already being difficult to use. For one, its one-hit-down range is way too short. It has two shots before reloading, and unless they're shotgun-one-hit-range, you're done for. Shotguns are just better to use, since they can be fired 6 to 10 times before reloading. Meanwhile, the likelihood you'll land a hit (a hit for me = blood splattering all the fuck everywhere) is pretty low with the BOSG... and then there's the fact that there are three things that'll happen: Either they are instantly downed or killed, when in standard one-shot range for a shotgun, they are more likely to get dropped anywhere from 5 to 50 hp, or the shot doesn't register, they still have full health, and kill you while it takes 5 or more seconds for your character to get around to pulling his finger off the trigger and pull out the secondary.[/hider] The BOSG is a great meme, but it's so fucking trash. like when you hold left click with an LMG- it could work, it could net you some kills, but ultimately it's useless. Tachanka is my bestie, Echo is great for lurking because Dokka rushes in after calling phones, and never realizes Echo is a weabo. EDIT: KOREAN OPS ARE MEMES AND NOTHING MORE. Zofia is new Ash. More armor, faster breaching, better flashes. Mira is best girl. Valk close second. Tachanka and Echo are husbandos. Jackal is best man to my wedding and funeral because of how OP he is.