[b]Current Mission[/b] [hr][hr][h3][b][center][i]Babbie's First Mission[/i]: A Fistful of Darkstone[/center][/b][/h3][center][sup][color=cccccc]Note: In future, Missions will be voted on as a group, along with difficulty. This is an introductory mission.[/color][/sup][/center] [indent]You hear a rumour on the wind about an abandoned mine north of town that still has some juice in it. Perhaps you can scrape together a posse and find this darkstone deposit... [b]Reward:[/b] 25 XP and 1-3 Darkstone (determined randomly) per player. [/indent] [hider=Objective, Failure Condition] [b]The Objective[/b] [indent]To find the deposit you must uncover two clues: the first points you on the right track, and the second is the actual deposit itself! But be warned: dangerous creatures lurk in the darkness, and the dark itself seems alive...[/indent] [b]IF YOU FAIL:[/b] [indent]Nothing bad happens, apart from a wounded pride. [/indent] [/hider] [hr][hr]