[center] [hr][hr] [h1][color=FireBrick] Samhain Intrigues [/color][/h1] [@BlackPanther] [@LovelyAnastasia] [@Belle] [@Demonic Angel] [@Vesuvius00] [@Fallenreaper] [@Forett] [img]https://gargarstegosaurus.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/soe-ep-1h.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [h2][color=FireBrick]-Location: Under the Mountain/ Lower Quarter-[/color][/h2] Desdemona gave a pleading whimper as Thymond backed her into the room. The Goblin falling back to eye the stair, but knowing far better than to take that route. This larger Fae would be on him in moment and the lamia would be of little help. The room was now far more claustrophobic with the twenty foot odd Desdemona, now very pale as the Fae spoke the mortal girl who had pleaded for the wrong doer's life. Not a common thing, but less common was the feel of Thymond's talon in her jaw. And far, far less welcomed. [color=Gold]"P-please! I can tell you-!"[/color] She endured his claw in her jaw- it could be healed. Hopefully. But when claws sliced into her throat, she gripped the man's wrist and strained to pull it away. Her arms lacking the strength of her coils. However strong she was, she would be unlikely to pull the man from from her. The Goblin merely looked on, wringing his hand and hoping with all his little twisted heart that Thymond did not turn his claws and gaze upon him. He was a old goblin- even among the fae. Erin would see him eyeing the new comer and the stairs. Tempted but too terrified to try. [h2][color=FireBrick]-Location: Court of Nightmares/Servant Quarters-[/color][/h2] Yusuke found himself left alone, the humans seemingly respecting his needs for solitary. It was not uncommon amongst those who came here. However, they did spy the kitsune- Yin- and seem to drift to the opposite side of the room from where they saw him. They knew the Fae on site- and some by prior experience. Yin would note a few humans- those here before his flock- fled the bathing chamber upon his arrival. Not wanting to tangle with the fox. One woman- her red hair thick and tangled from the damp- however wandered close. Her hips swaying temptingly as she held the scant barrier of a towel to conceal herself. Yet fully hint. Fluttering her blue eyes at the Lieutenant of the UnSeelie King. The well endowed woman gave a flirty smile, "So kind of you to join us here, My Lord. May I be of service- in [i]any[/i] way?" It was not uncommon among some to get extra security through some Fae who deemed to take mortals for lovers. Plying the lesser lived with gifts and protection. The artist, however, would note Elsa being shown a assortment of clothing. All very fine seeming from where he sat. Young ladies they all were, their bright eyes filled with malice and mischief as Elsa turned away with a chosen piece. The small group of four sniggered and whispered between each other, walking back pass the artist and to their original seats with their embroidery. "Clarice will be so very angry!" "Thus it's perfect. She takes the clothes. We showed her Clarice's beautiful selection! Merely showed! If she [i]stole[/i] a piece. Tis not out doing." The last was said by a darker haired woman with freckles. Her eyes gleaming as she preened with the others admiration of her plan. A third chirped up with her own opinion. "That new meat thinks she's better with her covered bossom? She'll learn the lay of things soon enough once one drunk guard snags her." The others hissed at her to keep her tone down. Though her voice would not have carried to the piano or over it's tune. As Elsa sat at the piano minutes earlier and started the play. The bench was worn, and creaked under her. The piano, however, was in decent shape and sang true. It's melody however was soft. Creaking on the louder notes. But as the melody filled the room, so did a few timed taps of the foot and some gentle humming. Soft sounds that accompanied the music while the human men and women moved about their tasks. Enjoying this breif bit of innocent relaxation. Never mind that Yin had passed through minutes earlier. Though, a few cast Elsa sharp glances. Others with their own worried looks. They had not been pleased with this new musician taking up so suddenly and quickly with Clarice's little 'feather-heads' as one woman noted to another far too softly for the newcomers to hear. Was she another little pet? Was she being set up? It was a bad situation under that innocent tune. [h2][color=FireBrick]-Location: Falk's Hall-[/color][/h2] The stone walls echoed Bodil's voice back at her slightly. But the Fall King paused, glancing back at the mortal with those storm filled eyes. Gesturing at her to follow, his black hair fell in a dark pool down his shoulder and back. Held back by a silver clasp, looking like diamond stars spilling into the night. [color=Gold]"You are to be of use, while we of the Fair Folk take on more burdensome tasks."[/color] His long legs took him down the darkened hall, not looking back to see if the woman was following. Slight lights appearing on the walls. Globes of witch lights, hovering. [color=Gold]"And I do not need to make a example with a mortal. As I said- you stand before me again. Alive, intact. Though your actions nearly led to you being a broken husk- mindless-, as Yin is wont to do. Thus I have granted you mercy in preventing this. As I said."[/color] His form moved along the twisting corridor, several opening fleeing off into various side rooms. One being a bed room, it's large dark curtains that acting as a door open enough for Bodil to catch a glimpse of scattered weapons. Gleams of jewels and fabric discarded about. As if in a frenzied search or from a simply messing person. Another room was also blocked by the thick curtains. But the Unseelie Lord merely walked by, and up as the hall sloped into a upward spiral. Opening into a vast room filled with long bookshelves, of which there were at least fifty four, and a desk tucked into alcove. A couch, two plush armchairs- one with a arm that didn't look like it would remain attached much longer- and a low black stone coffee table. Oddly modern in such a dismal world. The dim light however remained. Giving this large library even more of a air of stillness. Far below from where they came the soft sound of bells being hit by water echoed up. Floating to form a melody that was barely there and quickly forgotten. Though Falk did not seem to note this as he paused by a shelf and scanned the books. Otherwise ignoring if the mortal had followed or not. [/center]