[quote=@CAWs For Alarm] Finally got this character written out and finished! [center] [hider=Typhon Leverenz] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjAwNTJmYS5WSGx3YUc5dUlFeGxkbVZ5Wlc1Ni4w/praetoria.regular.png[/img] [color=0054a6]Race:[/color] Tulak [color=0054a6]Age:[/color] 28 [color=0054a6]Gender:[/color] Male [color=0054a6]Appearance:[/color] [img]https://elwiki.net/wiki/images/thumb/f/ff/DmoPortrait.png/480px-DmoPortrait.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/da/1c/ef/da1cef5e54dbaa6a4a9e7ad999023dc0.jpg[/img] [color=0054a6]Equipment:[/color] The main equipment he carries with him are his two [url=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1j7yDQpXXXXbhXpXXq6xXFXXXv/Elsword-Cosplay-Demonio-Lucille-Double-Gunblade.jpg]gunblades[/url] which are semi-auto rifles. As well as a silenced [url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/f884d4238de0ecf1b2634ab4352fcef0/tumblr_o6czxtk1jX1tytfb3o3_1280.jpg]sniper rifle[/url] for silent or long ranged kills. He also has several flasks of oil that he keeps in a pouch on his belt in order to make his attunement that much deadlier. [color=0054a6]Attunement/enhancements: [/color] Fire Attunement [color=0054a6]Unique Ability:[/color] Blue Fire - instead of creating normal flames with his attunement he creates blue flames instead. These flames are hotter than normal but it does take extra mana to conjure them. Flame Body - His other ability is that Typhon can cover his entire body in his flames. This ability has multiple uses in combat and utility. Its most effective use is in close quarters combat, especially seeing as it would be a challenge to approach someone who is on fire. In utility it would be very effective at driving away predatory species that might see him as their next meal. [color=0054a6]Personality:[/color] Typhon is extremely pompous due to his upbringing. Being treated like a noble tends to go to ones head, even if he ended up as the family disappointment. His childhood also caused him to resort to an extremely cynical nature. He is also intelligent due to the amount of work forced upon him in his younger years. To sum up his personality, he is a pompous, cynical asshole. Of course he knows when to be nice for his own safety and wouldn’t mind kissing up to someone every so often in order to get his way, pride is not one of his strong suits. [color=0054a6]Bio:[/color] Being the youngest of five children in the household of prominent political figures, Typhon’s childhood led him to become a spoiled brat. It was this and his family's attitude, that was reminiscent of nobility, that caused him to develop a natural feeling of superiority. Despite being able to get whatever he wanted, his parents weren’t going to let him sit back and do nothing. From a young age, Typhon had advanced schooling, piling loads of work up for him. Within the schooling, he underwent specific training to help teach him to control his attunement. It was hard work considering the way his powers were discovered, an accidental house fire. When the firefighters made it to the room with the main blaze they found the young child nearly exhausted and surrounded by fire. That is when they realized what he was born with and capable of. Disappointed as they were by his lack of control over his own powers, Typhon’s parents realized that to avoid any damage to the family name they needed to force him to control his power. Upon reaching the age of 18, having finally finished his schooling, Typhon set off on his own. He could have done anything, his parents and schooling having set him up for many job options, but due to the ten year age gap between him and the second youngest sibling, he was able to see the success his siblings had in their lives. He also saw how mundane and boring they were. The only thing he had upon setting off on his own was the weight of his family name and, of course, some cash.(edited) This is where the new and exciting part of Typhon’s life began. Being a rich kid, this Tulak was going to get whatever he wanted no matter what. That’s why he decided to pay a black market gunsmith to specially create the gunblades and rifle that he would go on to use in nearly every job he did from that point on. This newfound contact was also used to begin his career as a mercenary. Typhon stuck mostly to his home planet for the first couple of years of his [i]job[/i] for multiple reasons, the main one being that he was able to use his family name as a 'get out of jail free card'. After honing his skills, and evading his parents half-hearted [i]rescue[/i] attempts, Typhon acquired a small ship through some less than lawful means and set it up as his official base of operations. He was finally free to do as he pleased. The next few years of his life were spent doing a variety of missions, from being a bodyguard or transporting illegal goods, even a few missions involving assassination every now and again It was during one of his missions, about a year before getting arrested, where he was hired to help a small militia take on a bandit camp that Typhon sustained the injury that left him without one of his horns. Finally, there’s the job that got him arrested. One day Typhon received an anonymous message that contained details for an assassination attempt of an Arraxi and included a generous up front payment. That’s all he needed before heading out. After receiving the briefing from the hooded man who hired him, Typhon went off to find the target. Everything went smoothly at first, he invaded the embassy on Earth where the target was staying and managed to take them out silently. Unfortunately, when he turned to leave the room the alarms began blaring and guards rushed in forcing him to surrender. It wasn’t until after the fact that he found out his employer’s true intentions. He had been hired by a radical terrorist group that opposed human and Arraxi relations and the target he just took out was an Arraxi emissary. Typhon's trial was for the murder and terrorist ties, he expected to be able to use his family name to escape heavy consequences. This expectation made it an even bigger slap to the face when they suggested the Alcatraz as his punishment and disowned him; all while he was declared guilty. [color=0054a6]Other:[/color] A somewhat important fact is that Typhon is very picky about his appearance, which is why he chose the color schemes for his clothes and weapons. This means that if you ruin those through mud, blood etc. he will be extremely pissed. [/hider] [/center] [/quote] gunblades reeeeeee