Olli was amazed by the fact Kjolmar too had caught an Eevee. Prince and Lunar began dancing around, clearly loving each others company. This made Olli smile, this is the reason he became a pokemon trainer, to experience bonds between pokemon and humans but also pokemon with other pokemon. Seeing these pokemon play together in Luminose city brought everything to a new light. He had an idea. "Hey, Professor Rowan told me that his friend Professor Sycamore lives here in Luminose and said we should go see him. He's on North boulevard." He said as he signaled for the pokemon to follow them. "Hey Kjolmar also i've been thinking. How about we do what we did in Sanatalune City's gym at every Gym. Let's take on the gyms together. It's clearly aloud in the rules otherwise Viola wouldn't have done it. I just feel our pokemon have such strong bonds already, why not take advantage of that in our journey. What d'ya say?" He said quite confidently awaiting a reply.