[center][h1][color=0c6f96]Aaron Garcia[/color][/h1] [img]http://modellist-id.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Screenshot-2016-03-07-at-12.52.05.png[/img] [color=gray][i]"You don't stay undefeated without being a little stubborn"[/i][/color] [color=0c6f96]Seventeen[/color] + [color=0c6f96]Male[/color] + [color=0c6f96]Bisexual[/color][hr][hr] [h3][color=gray]See me when you look at me[/color][/h3][/center] [color=0c6f96]F U L L N A M E[/color] Aaron Emiliano Garcia [color=0c6f96]A G E[/color] Seventeen years old [color=0c6f96]G E N D E R[/color] Male [hr][center][hr] [h3][color=gray]Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.[/color][/h3][/center] [color=0c6f96]A P P E A R A N C E[/color] Aaron is a very handsome young man, and he knows it all too well. Half-brazilian, the boy only shows it through his name; he looks as any young american boy his age could look. He his of medium height for his age range, while his body is more well developped than most kids at his school. A considerable part of his free time is spent at the gym and the results show on his thin body. He might not be described as incredibly muscular or broad, but anyone can see that well defined muscles hide under his clothes. He keeps his brown hair relatively short and always takes care of maintaining a fashionable haircut with the help of some hair spray. He usually shaves, but will sometimes let a beard of a few days old grow. [color=0c6f96]D I S T I N G U I S H I N G T R A I T[/color] The young man has one scar crossing accross his left eyebrow, remant memory of a troubled childhood. [color=0c6f96]C L O T H I N G S T Y L E[/color] Coming from a wealthy family, the Garcia has access to quite the wardrobe for a seventeen-years-old. You can always see him wearing expensive brands of clothing and it isn't hard to notice that the young man tries to follow fashion. On the first week of the school year, you might catch a glimpse of colorful clothes filled with small and original designs, while a few weeks later you'll only see him wear black and white. He's always at the top of his game and he aims to attract all eyes on him. [hr][center][hr] [h3][color=gray]Dirty little secrets[/color][/h3][/center] [color=0c6f96]S E X U A L I T Y[/color] Something that might surprise you about Aaron is not only his sexuality, but how open he is about it. He believes that no doors should be closed and that if God or someone else put him on an Earth filled with male and female bodies; he can only appreciate the gift and enjoy it. He has slept with both girls and boys and manipulated more than one naive person into embracing their sexuality. He is incredibly comfortable with his body, but he is also impossibly vain and will assume that anyone should be attracted to his natural charms. You'll often find him flirting with just about anyone. [color=0c6f96]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/color] He is officially single, but far from being alone. Always flirting and charming a new prey, he enjoys having temporary girlfriends or even boyfriends on his arm. His relationships become public fairly quickly and anyone involved with him can expect their privacy to go out the window. He will even go as far as leaking himself the names and details of his 'conquests'. One could say he is pretty gross when it comes to respecting his partners, while most admire him for his prowess. [color=0c6f96]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] What most people are aware of about Aaron only scratches the surface of his personality. You can often see him as being flirtatious, having an incredibly rude attitude toward teachers, as well as pretty much anyone. He is described as being disrespectful, vain and arrogant. Pretty cold toward anyone he doesn't have an interest in, he appears to get bored rather quickly of people. But what most people don't know about the guy, is his love for books, movies and documentaries; his desire to always learn more. He his, at heart, an intellectual, even if he never shows it. The only people that might suspect it are his teachers; always impressed by his homework and essays. But his stubborn nature and his deep belief that this part of his is embarrassing, he will sometimes skip classes or even get a lower mark than he could have had on purpose, as to not reveal to the other students just how smart he is. A shame, really, because the young man as an incredibly potential. He also enjoys going to a lot of parties. He loves dancing, having fun, even the occasional drug. He surprisingly doesn't drink, or almost never. [color=0c6f96]L I K E S[/color] Books Movies Documentaries Attention Sex Fashion Parties Smoking [color=0c6f96]D I S L I K E S[/color] People knowing the truth about him Boring personalities School Rules Limits Curfew Alcohol [hr][center][hr] [h3][color=gray]Everyone has a story[/color][/h3][/center] [color=0c6f96]H I S T O R Y[/color] Aaron grew up in New-York city with an American mother and a Brazilian father. The mix of cultures in his home gave him the opportunity to become bilingual at a very young age. Fluent in both English and Portuguese, he doesn't show it much and no one at the school knows he can speak anything else than English. His parents are incredibly wealthy; his mother is a highly reputed lawyer, while his father is a successful business man. This led the young Garcia to be raised more by nannies than his own parents. For most of his childhood and the beginning of his teens, he lived quite the trouble-making life. Even as a young kid, he would climb into trees and then onto people's roofs just for fun, making his nannies run after him or have them call the police... or worst: his own father. He would have done anything to get the attention of his father, even if it meant getting yelled at and sent to his room. So he would make trouble, as much trouble as he could. But as he grew up, Aaron realized that nothing could make his father look away from his business; it was the only thing that mattered to him. High school changed everything for him. At home, he was more calm then ever, always hiding in his room. Most of the time he would watch movies, read books; things you couldn ever imagine Aaron Garcia to be doing. He also developed an interest for fashion and committed to it, knowing that his father would do anything to keep his son busy. meaning that he could get all the clothes he wanted and any car he wanted once he had his driving license. At school, he built a persona that, initially, was the opposite from him, but he eventually grew into it and today, the young man could probably not separate his made-up personality from his real one. It also did not take him long before realizing he was as attracted to girls as he was to boys. He used it to his advantage, flirting and charming as many people as he could into sleeping with him, propulsing him at the top of 'cool crowd'. His intelligence and knowledge doesn't go unnoticed by his teachers, but he hides it well from his fellow students. He went through most of high-school with some of the best grades, but always avoiding being the first of his class, as to know draw attention to his aptitudes too much. He could apply to any college of his choice, especially if he stopped purposefully getting lower grades than he can to maintain appearances. [color=0c6f96]R E A S O N F O R N E E D I N G T H I S A S S I G N M E N T[/color] His father went on a business trip with his wife and Aaron begged them to take him along. He promised to catch up on his school work later and his father accepted his request. So the young Garcia spent a month away from school and now has to live up to his promise to catch up on what he missed.