[hr][hr][center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/tznya388f/strange.png[/img][hr][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/T8WVipnQ53Vh6/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][hr][h3][color=#0099cc][b]The Caribbean: April 4th, 1719 - 4:41 PM Local Time[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][color=0099cc][b]The Port of Tortuga:[/b][/color] Maybe Edgard should try true love's kiss, since his intimidation efforts aren't breaking the spell that Aravis is under. She holds eye contact with him, entirely unfazed by the anger and the aggression. How many people before in his life had done that? And now, of all times? This is perhaps the one situation where he really [i]needs[/i] someone to follow his instructions and do as he says, but of course, that's how life tends to work out. Perhaps he can find another way to gain her assistance, without threats and violence. But then again, he is Edgard. [color=f7976a]"That gives me no reason to help you,"[/color] Aravis replied plainly. [color=0099cc][b]The Devil's Triangle:[/b][/color] Now, the entire cavern has collapsed around you. The debris has begun to settle, with the water pushing it all towards the bottom. A few pieces are suspended, floating upwards and then falling down in their own sort of current. Nothing is all too out of the ordinary. This was a sight that not many pirates had ever seen - none that were still alive, at least. Anyone whose feet felt the bottom amongst all of this rubble would surely be dead. Yet that is no problem for ghosts, is it? Unfortunately, the bizarre does not stop with your current state of being. For a source of magic so powerful, the flask is not without defenses. The ghosts that it draws towards it, feeding on the power of their souls - you are nothing but batteries to it. You are energy to be consumed. If the flask is to be thought of like an organism, you are consumable material. Now, with the flask under threat, it is time to meet the antibodies - its defense mechanism. [i][color=beige][b]Septima:[/b][/color][/i] As Septima dove through the rubble, the scenery appeared to change around her. Where she had been a moment ago was no longer where she was. Instead, the witch paused for a moment in the midst of what appeared to be a barren area, aside from a [url=https://i0.wp.com/fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/156/4/4/sahuagin_by_titanslicer-d67xkub.jpg]creature with glowing green eyes[/url]. The monster was six feet tall and weighed at least two hundred pounds, wielding a rusted yet still deadly trident. The witch's eyes widened, before narrowing with determination. She reached for her belt to grab a dagger, only for her hands to grasp air. Instead, the creature took the opportunity to jab the trident at Septima. Despite her non-corporeal form, the trident felt like a thousand volts of electricity surged through her. The witch screamed, her head tossed back as she raised her hand. Her fingers shook as she managed to place her hand on the creature's head. [i]"Mentem tuam ac voluntatem adsumo!"[/i] [i][color=E97E99][b]Millicent:[/b][/color][/i] Once Millicent dives through the rubble, she will no longer be able to see the others. Should she try to go back the way she had gone, it will get her nowhere. She will emerge in what appears to be a tunnel system, over and over again in an endless loop. Now, there are three paths in front of her. Each path is marked with a different symbol (in order of left to right: [url=https://brightmoonrising.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/eihwaz-yew.jpg]first[/url], [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/56/55/79/565579303f5f43d07172e8361cf7b5dd--asatru-differentiation.jpg]second[/url], and [url=https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/21373636_1939033729707961_6226653224200306688_n.jpg]third.[/url]) Without paying seemingly any attention to her, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/61/c4/84/61c4849b19010e7506c69406516ebb28--character-art-fantasy-art.jpg]an aquatic creature[/url] disappeared down the tunnel systems, taking the second path. [i][color=66CDAA][b]Sirena:[/b][/color][/i]Perhaps Sirena is luckier than the others. As she dives through the rubble, she finds herself on dry land. The island is not one that she will have ever visited before, yet perhaps she has heard tales of Cyprus. The shore is deserted for the most part, yet she too is not alone. Within seconds, a [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/6/61/Harpy-5e.png/revision/latest?cb=20161130025002]gigantic creature[/url] somehow manages to grab her non-corporeal form and [i]drag her[/i] up into the sky. Its claws burn like molten iron against bare skin, increasing in pain by the moment. Yet the most horrifying thing may be the creature's face - it is identical to Sirena, only with blood covering its mouth. [i][color=cyan][b]Anna:[/b][/color][/i] Oddly enough, once Anastasia made her way through the rubble, she would find herself in a nearly identical cavern. The main difference was that this cave was already filled with water, while the previous one had been an air pocket - the only reason the Crypts had still been alive all of this time. Yet just as with the others, she was not alone in this cavern, but she somehow knew that she was getting closer to the flask. Its magic was all around her. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6a/5f/d9/6a5fd91f83b73415c5724ee122697737.jpg]A monstrous shark[/url], covered in crimson blood, swam into the cavern. It circled Anastasia, and should she attempt to pass through it, it will feel like her insides are being [i]burned[/i] by ice. If there is anything that can kill a ghost, this is surely it. As long as Anastasia stays still, the shark will only circle her - but how can she continue on in her search like this? [i][color=662d91][b]Elissa[/b][/color][/i]: Now, did Elissa attempt to go after the flask? No. However, that means nothing to the ancient magic of the flask itself. In a matter of seconds, everyone around her appears to have vanished. Either they dove into the rubble or...Well, who can really tell at this point? Magic likes to fuck with people. It's just her. Oh, well, that's not exactly the case. She has [url=http://wae.blogs.starnewsonline.com/files/2011/03/pitahnas.jpg]some company.[/url] These creatures have quickly worked themselves up into a frenzy. They swarm Elissa, with each bite feeling like a piercing razor. Ghosts, supposedly, couldn't be harmed. Again, magic likes to fuck with people. (Now, Blue, you're familiar with Quippers I assume from D&D...So have fun with this. Use that big old dice bag of yours for rolls - you're Co-GM. You're allowed to do that).