[color=pink]The look on Crystal’s face could only be explained as one of being completely offended. “Excuse me? You don’t love Addie? How could you not?! She’s super pretty, really nice, incredibly sweet, always thinking of others before herself - - - though she could use taking her own happiness into account once and a while but! That’s beside the point. The point is that she’s an amazing girl and you’re telling me you only love her [i]as a friend[/i]? Mr. Stacera, excuse me for saying this but you really are dense if you can’t see what everyone in this room can see.” She heard a little cough from the corner of the room where Larry seemed to be getting her attention to remind her that she was being rude and she merely shrugged. “What? It’s honest, not rude.” As he pulled out his cigarettes she couldn’t help but that. “You shouldn’t smoke when you’re comfortable and I just put about a gallon of hairspray in your hair. You look amazing but you’re highly flammable right now. I would not recommend lighting a match at this point.” Of course she was joking as she shot a wink towards Robert but she than made Jack get out of the chair and brought in her last person.[/color] The girl’s dinner was nothing to write home about but the three As were back together again (creative huh?). The laughter filled the house as Adriana explained about the painting she was working and how she was just… well stuck. And being stuck was never a good thing in her line of work. She had a show coming up and was supposed to make one more piece but she couldn’t find that extra push. [color=violet]Ally looked up from her food with a bright smile. “Maybe seeing Jack in concert will bring up some inspiration for you… I mean you listen to his music all the time. You just need that in person boost.” The thirteen year old teased as she grinned at her friend. It was no mystery to even the dumbest of little sisters that Adriana had a crush on Jack but…[/color] “I look forward to the day you stop teasing me.” Adriana retorted back to the young girl who giggled at her plate as she was shot a disapproving look. [color=orange]“I wish you two would just date already.” Ariel said sounding disappointed as she buttered her roll. “I want grandkids.”[/color] The word [i]grandkids[/i] caused Adriana to choke on her glass of water as she coughed while Ally laughed uncomfortably. “Gra—ndkids?” She questioned sounding shocked. [color=orange]“Of course dear. I can’t expect that for Ally so why not you, and Jack’s a good boy…”[/color] And there began the speech of ‘pick Jack’ once again which Adriana merely brushed off as the older woman just wanting to see her child grow up and have a family. Luckily the conversation drew to a close as Alley exclaimed they were going to be late and the three women left to the show. Parking was a breeze as Ariel presented a parking pass along with their VIP badges and they made their way to their front center row seats. The blonde felt uncomfortable being around so many people but as the light dropped and the crowd roared, she turned her gaze to the stage and felt her heart pound with the excitement of the people around her becoming almost contagious as she began to get excited for the show too.