Safira was so deep inside her own world that when sounds penetrated the walls of her inner world she was violently jarred into full consciousness of her surroundings. The huntress saw a panther appear out of nowhere and lunge itself forward with a deadly precision. A pained shriek followed soon after as the predator most certainly had found it’s pray. Safira was startled into motion following the animal and her newfound companions as they went to check what was transpiring. Just as she was approaching the grouping she heard a loud whistle and saw a man lying on the ground, held their by the heavy body of the panther. The human male, Jacoby and Bobbin, the kenku were apparently trying to interrogate the man as to his intentions and whatnot, aided by the... fin guy... who appeared inraged. Still confused by being pulled out of her inner world sanctum so abruptly Safira couldn't make heads or tails of the situation. It was a weakness of her she was well aware of and something her training could never uproot. Or mayhaps it was due precisely to her gruesome training regimen during her childhood that had led her to seek solace inside herself, forsaking all thought of the outside world. So the huntress had found it helpful to at least be as best prepared as she could in moments like this present one. So she drew her sward and employing her blood hunter training, infusing the blade with her own life force, calling upon her Crimson Rite of the Storm. Lightning crackled ominously throughout the curved length of her scimitar, held at the ready at her side as Safira surveyed the surroundings wearily. She might have been caught unawares as to the current situation. But she would not be caught unprepared should something new and possibly life threatening should transpire!