The little mouse, Dooa, began squirming ever harder in Riley's grip. She gritted her teeth, determined not to let him hop into the grasses and disappear. She didn't know what to think of this whole conversation. One thing is for sure, though. She didn't trust this Gold Lady. If she was capable of turning people into animals and toys, capable of enslaving children like herself or Arthur, there can't be any sympathy in her heart left. "There must be other ways to return to the real world," she said, defiantly. "Some way that we don't need any help." Mum always said that everything has a beginning and an end. When Riley had come home one day after hearing one of her classmates talk about someone he called "God" who lived in the "Church" parish, she became all huffy, saying that God didn't live in Church or something along those lines. Riley herself couldn't understand most of it, but she knew that this Gold Lady must have an end, and therefore a beginning. There has to be another way to get back to Scalby! Already, a plan was forming in her mind, a plan that can only end in blood. She would find the Gold Lady, and kill her. "There's only one way to find out," she said, a quiet whisper to herself. She raised her voice into the most commanding tone she can muster and spoke. "Show us the way to the Gold Lady."