The wait through the afternoon seemed even longer than it was for Do'rhajul and Yerig. There was little with which they could occupy themselves. The Thu'um not withstanding, neither were magically or alchemically inclined, and doing anything at all among the rest of the clan was simply out of the question for the moment. The pair spent much of their time simply talking to one another. At first, it was about their impressions of the clan, but their conversations soon moved to reminiscing on their past. They referenced events that would make no sense to Sabine without knowledge of their history, but it was clear that they had once been very close friends. Yerig had helped Do'rhajul recover and gain back some confidence after being inflicted with lycanthropy but they lost contact with one another after Do'rhajul joined with Vile. It was only recently that Do'rhajul sought Yerig out for his help. Eventually, Yerig ended up meditating in his corner of the room, and Do'rhajul similarly ended up, at minimum, thinking quietly to himself. They could hear footsteps approaching from down the hall, but as it was getting late, others who also lived in the hall had been going to their rooms occasionally for the last hour or so. However, this time, the steps started to draw closer to their room quite quickly. Suddenly, the door opened without so much as a knock or a word from the person opening it. It was Meesei. For a brief moment, she ended up standing in the doorway, staring at Sabine almost in shock. She was short of breath after having sprinted up the stairs towards their chambers, but that did not stop her from running across the room to embrace Sabine. She may not have even noticed Do'rhajul and Yerig, and if she had, she clearly did not care about them more than she did finally reuniting with Sabine. Meesei practically fell onto Sabine with her hug, squeezing her more tightly than she perhaps ever had before. "Sabine..." Meesei began, but any attempt at words was already too choked-up from Meesei's sobbing to be intelligible. At least for a while, until she managed to speak a few more short words. "You're okay. Y-you're...okay." Meesei's hands were shaking, and her hearth pounding. She could hardly even remember to breathe. Despite all of the horrors that had been playing out in her mind since Sabine's capture, she could now feel the immense relief of being able to hold her daughter in her arms. The others in the pack were just behind Meesei, but she had been the quickest to sprint up to her room after they had learned she had returned.