The others followed, not so much her that much was to be thankful for, as she dove into the low brush and soon found her way to the pinned man and her company, the latter of which had grasped him with splayed claws and forced him into the dirt and leaf litter upon the ground. At first she considered asking the ebon beast, its sleek fur making it an inky blot in the forest's dark background if it were not for the glinting, glowing insects staying at bay, but as she went to speak the others set in about the man with their own individual furies. Words were tossed and thrown, some hurled like spears in their incomprehensible eloquence while others were overt and blunt like a sling launched from a stone; much talk about danger, other talk about demanding answers, talk still about some... bandits? She knelt down, looking from the crow-man - rather the [i]kenku[/i] - to the forest next as she spoke in hushed tones to the cat who she set an arm about. Her hand cupped to his ear as his jowls snarled with lightly frothing saliva in menace, her intent not to surrender anything of worth to the man held captive in the sharp, hooked claws of a cat, intending the message solely for the panther and his sensitive ears. [i]"Jamil they think more are coming. Try not to kill too many of them if they do. They might be the only ones to know what is going on - everyone else doesn't seem to."[/i] The elf woman glanced about where her knee fell to rest, her keen elven eyes piercing the dark, but she gave up on that and came to a new, better idea. Vines would have worked for a time, but people often had rope. In fact, [i]she[/i] had rope, which was a miracle it came to her so fast that she set down her pack and unbuckled the coiled hempen thing. Normally she had little use for it, but she could later thank her unintentional foresight of keeping it around. "Someone help me with this rope, we need to tie him if what you say is true." Shaedra said, thinking with as fleet of foot in mind as she could as the others seemed prepared for battle. Jamil of Azalorn could join them if things took a turn for the worse, but the wild druid would much prefer the man be subdued first - the last thing she wanted was him to hurt them, only to then escape. [hider=Effects] Shaedra Galandoel will drop her [i]Explorer's Pack[/i] and take the 50ft of hempen rope from it. She will ask someone else to use the Help action to assist her in tying the man up or let someone else willing do it and Help them instead. [/hider] [@Guardian Angel Haruki][@JBRam2002][@Pennydumb123][@rush99999][@ihinka][@Cu Chulainn][@0 Azzy 0]