[h1][center][b]Everything is Normal[/b][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://s14-eu5.ixquick.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http%3A%2F%2Ft0.gstatic.com%2Fimages%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcSx9W7uy49wQEO6kN8JF35yUqU4W9nsYDchwlCpfzrFN8Mxj6M9uw&sp=b3873fca54a60446adc32743a03211bb&anticache=358705[/img][/center] Welcome to "Everything is Normal." Where [i]most[/i] everything is..normal. Working that office job that pays [i]just[/i] enough to make you not wanna quit, but not enough to make you wanna stay. Don't get me started on the boss either; he is an overweight, lazy, coffee addict with a penchant for looking over your shoulder to make certain you aren't browsing cute animal photos on [i]his[/i] time. Does this sound mundane and boring to you yet? Because it should. Of course now and again some unexplainable things may occur. A water cooler exploding randomly. A monster attack here and there. Nothing out of the ordinary for Anytown USA. What type of character you play as is entirely up to you. Ex-con with a bad temper? A woman who's only companions are house cats? Or maybe a millennial with punctuality problems, dyed hair and gauges in his ears? You decide! No character sheets required. Simply jump in with a brief explanation of who your character is and your good to go. In case you haven't noticed, humor is very important in this roleplay. Here we will play by the rule of funny. If it's funny, make it happen. Inspiration is taken from; The Office (US), The Simpsons, and One Punch Man. Now, who is ready for some boring, repetitive roleplay?! I know I'm not.