[h2][center]The Office[/center][/h2] Albert made his way towards the office and took his keys to unlock the front door. He was early, as usual. He had to be there in order to get things ready for the rest of the workers. Despite being the [i]head manager[/i], he still had his own boss to please. Donut in mouth, coffee pinched to his side with an elbow, keys in one hand, briefcase in the other, newspaper against his other side..he kept things moving. At least as much movement as an overweight, balding man could. As he made his way into his enclosed office within the main office he sat down to enjoy his bounty. Humans had long ago moved on from being hunter gatherers, but the need to [i]conquer[/i] had never left. Albert happened to "conquer" his coffee, donut, and newspaper 30 minutes before they opened. Now what..