"I am sir, however, with all due respect, my computer is still [i]booting on."[/i] He pointed at the screen in his cubicle, which ([i]thankfully,[/i]) faced away from where Albert normally sat. "I couldn't work right now sir, even if I wasn't combing my hair." He sat back in his chair, watching as the computer went through all of its start up screen in a painfully slow fashion. Even working in IT, there was limits to what you could do with a hunk of junk. Pulling out his phone, he looked at the notifications. Texts from his mates, one from his mum, who had been insistent on making sure he wasn't going to go into a wall at fifty miles per hour, whilst flying... House burned down, middle east had another bomb going off... Nothing of any interest. Finally, his computer chirped up, and he twirled his chair back around, tapping in his login details. As the cycle of incredible slowness[sup]TM[/sup] started again, he let out a long sigh. Mondays.