[@FinalFrog] Believe it or not, someone [i]does[/i] happen to be mute. They're a very expressive individual, so that becomes less of a problem due to their actions. It's not that hard to follow when you get into it because you end up knowing who everybody is and what situations are going on, and then perhaps if there are two different groups of people in the same location and such—it's something that you pick up pretty quickly just through reading and doesn't become all that much of a problem for anyone. If someone is invisible, something along the lines of *You are impacted by an unseen force* Would work well. Add descriptors if you want power scaling. *Kicks you with enough strength to send you a mile into the crust of the Earth* vs. *Kicks you with the strength of a meteor impact* Of course, that's not an exhaustive list, but just some examples. I don't really understand your last sentence, but along that line of idea, we, for all intents and purposes, [i]don't[/i] control where it goes. There's no goal, no final barrier to reach, no limit to the world. Every individual has his or her own traits, goals, and motivations, and they all happen to be linked by some commonalities that bring them together.