[color=a36209][u][b]steve Cooper- Clinic- Afternoon [/b][/u][/color] “Judging by your assumption and tone I’m guessing you don’t like the Brotherhood of steel” "I've killed several of them." Steve admitted before grunting pain slightly "So no, not an big fan of the brotherhood or what's left of them anyway." [i]Brotherhood probably still around in DC [/i] A quiet sigh escaped the mutant before he started his little story telling session. “Listen before I start with the story telling, you should both be aware of a very, well as other humans have put it, unsettling discovery. Other than the good doctor here, I’m probably the most intelligent person in this settlement” To Steve alteast this was an odd thing start with. The few "intelligent" super mutants Steve had met or heard about where usually Smarter than the average person, no doubt part of reason why they remained "friendly" and they could live an long time like ghouls so they had time to educate themselves but most intelligent person? why start an story but stating that? "... Okay..?" Steve replied unsure what to think of the statement The mutant paused, seeming to let his "announcement" to sink in before continuing, now Steve expected the mutant would embellish his story, perhaps he simply saved an tin-can by shooting one guy instead of rescuing him from 1-10 ambush in a burning building but the story the mutant told was outright ridiculous, he was an bloody tin-can? [i]he's joking right?[/i] Not just an "honorary " one or some bullshit like but an full knight captain with three squads under his command which included more super mutants...it took Steve a movement to realize he wasn't joking. "Wait... you're serious?" Steve replied "No way you where in the brotherhood, Tin-cans bloody hate super mutants, hell they pretty much wiped out all the Orange ones in DC and would have done the same here if Tom hadn't blown them up." Putting the bandage back over the Steve's stitched wounds he continued to talk, “I know of those orange mutants, their strain of FEV seemed corrupted or damaged. This in turn makes it, so they don’t stop growing and that sensation is very painful, with that pain comes insanity.” "Well Supposedly they came from an Vault, so not surprising that Vault-Tec fucked shit up even worst... Most of those bloody vaults are death traps and the one's that were seemlying designed to make life fucking miserable as possible for it's residents.." [i]and people paid to stay down there... Per-war people were crazy.. [/i] The mutant adjusted his monocle before rambling on about Hounds commonwealth mutants used and wonder why they didn't use Centaurs but one word caught Steve's attention, "California" "wait, California, Brotherhood started there or something after they rebelled from the enclave shortly before the bombs dropped but had to leave after they started fighting with the Bear republic, are you saying you served with them? the mutant continued to ramble but it was somewhat interesting to follow. "I was turned in 2163 in New California and recruited into the master’s army. The FEV used was a pure strain of FEV II, dip subjects into the solution and bam. Instant mutants. Most had the normal decrease in intelligence, it was uncommon for them to retain their intelligence, rare for it to increase and rarer still for it to greatly increase. I fall into the rare category.” "rrrrr-igght."Steve replied, almost completely convinced he made the whole story up but decided to give the mutant a chance "that was an interesting story but do you have any proof?" "California brotherhood may have let mutants serve, especially if they where losing an war to the Bear republic ad maybe this Master fellow existed but how do I know you didn't just shoot paladin Bob down the road and take his tags?"