[@Xandrya] I didn't want to jump in this discussion, because I didn't have much to add. But if I can answer that through a religious lense. Honestly, the idea of the corrupt nature of church or not feeling a presence there. Could easily go hand and hand. Not to preach, but you usually can't find something if you never intended to seek it. (You admit you only went to please your family. You never wanted to seek spiritually.) Church isn't how you have a relationship with god, at least as Christian's are concerned... And on a non-religious answer, in modern times Christianity has given far more than it's taken. Especially through charities. I've always seen this online about Christian's barging into people's life with ideas. But I really don't see Christians doing any of barging in people lives, often I see atheists doing it. I certainly find many atheists struggling to be consistent with their dislike of religion when anything other than Catholicism is brought up. Not stating anything personal mind, but comments like "god has to be uncaring because rapists exist/god can't exist because bad things happen" are so bog-standard teenage atheist philosophy 101, that you can't get anywhere discussing religion, spirituality, faith and whatever else.