Ok everyone, I've thought a bit on what would transpire in the year timeskip, mostly in relation to NPCs and larger events. I'll have a write up of the interim period sometime this week. I'll also use this opportunity to retcon some elements of the in-game canon, such as my mistake in making the magical elements too much like a traditional fantasy. There will still be magic but as a whole, magic will be of a more shadowy and mysterious force, even if it is somewhat more common than in the series proper. Magic has returned to the world, but it is still not truly understood or trusted. There will also be some other canon alterations but these would be mostly minor and of the lore variety, and no changes would severely alter events that the players have already taken part in or set in motion. You guys can pitch in with where you think your characters are based on this upcoming write-up and if you want to alter some elements of your character as part of this overhaul, I'll consider that as well. Once this write-up goes up, I'll start working on the first post set a year from the in-game present, but you guys can still work on scenes from the intervening year as flashbacks if you wish. I could also take part in these flashbacks if you need me. A lot of the more minor revolts will have been resolved by now, but some won't be. The main thrust of the plot will now move to a more widespread, civil conflict that will allow for much for political scheming and will probably test the friendships and bonds that have been made between the players now. I also encourage people to make sheets for some of the Great Houses if they wish too. Stark, Baratheon, Martell, and Greyjoy are all unclaimed. High houses like the Tarlys, Umbers, or Royces are encouraged as well. And I would be willing to hand over the Lannisters if someone is interested. If anyone wants a hint as to what this conflict will involve, I will say that it may not come to open arms depending on how the players act, but it will be quite serious and risks dividing the realm and many great families besides in half.