Torchlight flickers against the stony cavern walls and murmers echo gently as the group await the sender of their invitations to join this group. Some know one another and form some groups while others remain apart from the group, watching for any sign of trouble. At each of the four entrances there is three members guarding, stoic and unmoving. Over each entrance is the quote "Memento Mori Ad Initio." Carved into the stone and inlaid with a shimmering metal that seemed to give off its own light.  "Always the odd quote. 'Remember death from the beginning.' Such a funny thing to be branded on each member of this immortal sanctum. An eternal rule is that to be born is to be destined for death. Even monsters such as us. Wether you were made or born, 16 years old or several thousand, even beings such as we can be killed. Just not by time. So train hard and fight even harder." The disembodied voice echoes, landing on the ears of all gathered before the shadows cast by the torches merged together, forming into a cloaked old man who it seemed like if you removed your eyes from him he would just disappear. The old man favoured the group with a slight smile before the grandmasters unearthly blue eyes swept the room full of new initiates." Beings who are hunted, shunned, feared, or enslaved for their powers. Vampires, golems, mechanical curiosities. All are welcome in Sinulcrum. The only question I shall ask of you to ask yourselves is,  can you fight for your rights as living creatures? Are you willing to attempt to make peace with creatures many consider lower then themselves as well as destroy those who dare to attack us? If so then, please one at a time ,step into this circle." With that, the apparition faded from view. Where he was standing a circle forged from the same glowing metal rose from the ground. Each letter intricately carved and cast a grim order to all onlookers. " Cast aside all hope of death in the Sanctum of eternal life"