[@Xandrya] Well I can't say what you did or didn't believe, when you're younger it's sort of hard to really have any perception on life. Religion doesn't really mean much to most kids, because they just don't know better. Their beliefs are heavily influenced by the love or hate toward their parents. Though I don't think judging either/or if nothing is actively hurting society. I find Catholicism has many problems, but it's problems with the people themselves. But if you're someone who actively wants to fight the fight against religion, Muslims/The Quran are the actual problem. I'd like to see more religiously motivated atheists not tuck the tails between their legs and be just as venomous, if not more so. Though I rarely see such proclamations. But that's just me spit-balling. Though if I can point out a correction, America absolutely did get founded on Christian ideals. (I don't disagree about gay marriage being progress, though the fabric of american society is hanging by a thread from the slippery slope fallacy becoming tangible and running rampant. There's so many examples I hope I don't need to spend time clarifying.) http://www.heritage.org/political-process/report/did-america-have-christian-founding