[center][h3][color=Pink]Aimee Du'désir[/color][/h3] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2016-03/15/13/enhanced/webdr02/anigif_original-27126-1458064405-4.gif[/img] [color=pink][b]Location;[/b][/color] Washington Square [color=pink][b]Interacting With;[/b][/color] Mrs. Sanguis [@Lionhearted][/center] [hr] Wow, did she eat bitch flakes for breakfast or something? The girl's remarks erased all interest Aimee had, though she gave the girl a slight shrug, sunglasses back in place as Aimee turned on her heel and continued on her merry way. As she continued to walk, she found herself unsure of what exactly to do. For once there were too many possibilities, too many people to pick from. She had half a mind to turn around and chase the brunette, but that wouldn't end well, and she wanted to have some fun. As the thought crossed her mind, however, that's when all hell broke loose. Letting out the smallest of squeaks, Aimee felt herself get carried away by the wave of people evacuating the area. Her short stature didn't help things, though the sheer amount of people made it hard to push back. For the moment, she simply went with the current until she could finally move without meeting too much resistance, though at that point she wound up back at the square. The sounds of bullets and wolves still rang in her ears, though as she wondered what to do next, it was then that she noticed the priest making his announcement. Tapping her chin with her index finger, Aimee was completely silent as the man spoke. She had never seen him before; admittedly her memory wasn't the best, but faces around her were familiar, and even if she couldn't name every citizen, she recognized a majority of the people. This one was...bold. Was that the word she was looking for? No, something was just wrong about him. Then again, her bias towards religion may have contributed to that train of thought, but the more he spoke, the more she was sure of it. The timing was too perfect. Once the man finished, she teetered between deciding to confront him or to do nothing, though she decision was made for her as the man disappeared into the crowd. It could have been for the best, maybe he [i]wanted[/i] to get attention from a supernatural. Although, why now of all times? No, she was overthinking it, this was way out of her league. Actually, if anything, she figured Mrs. Sanguis may have been interested to know, but as that very thought crossed her mind, she spotted a familiar face not too far from where she was. As they say, speak of the devil, and he would appear. Not that Mrs. Sanguis was the devil, far from it. But she and Aimee had some slight friction--no, that was too harsh, more like the two had very opposite views in regards to...many things. Still, Aimee respected Mrs. Sanguis, and she decided to carefully approach the woman. For some reason the older vampire was completely at attention, almost as if she was expecting an attack. There was no way Aimee could ignore that. "[color=pink]Mrs. Sanguis,[/color]" Aimee's eyes widened slightly out of surprise more than anything, though whether it was because of the woman actually showing up or if she was going to get into trouble. The thought perished as she examined Ambrosia, noticing how...nervous she was. "[color=pink]Are you alright?[/color]" She frowned, slightly concerned. "[color=pink]What [i]was[/i] all that?[/color]"