By far the largest figure in sight the eight and a half foot tall behemoth known as Growler shuffled and fidgeted in place while the toes of his barefeet quietly drummed against the floor of the plain chapel. At the moment Growler was less concerned about the gun toting Knights that covered him and his freakish peers every angle and instead was more focused on fighting (and losing against) his natural urge to noisily breathe through his seemingly ever flaring nostrils. Despite his wild mannerisms the few pieces of clothing he did wear were surprisingly well taken care of and, what some might consider more amazing, he actually gave off the somewhat pleasant scent of pine and fresh soil. It was hard to gauge the somewhat human features on his face as Growler went about half listening to what was effectively his new jailer; his beady black eyes drawn yet again to one of the only windows in the small worship area. To small to actually fit a man through and clearly added for aesthetics the small rounded porthole like window depicted in stain glass an image of Christ surrounded by twelve swords; Growler himself though had no interest in the beauty of the craftsmanship nor the religious figures represented but instead was far more focused on the brown clump of sticks and twigs just on the outer side. Craneing his neck to and fro in an attempted casual manner that came off as anything but he did his best to catch the briefest glimpse of a birds silhouette. Quickly Growlers focus was pulled back to Senior Mundenburg at the mention of gifts, his eyes greedily following the comically small potted plant now being handed to him with a sneer from the Knight made gift giver. Despite the dollar store quality of what turned out to be a small potted cactus Growler clung the pot against his exposed brown furry chest in what was clearly a display of shear joy. Holding his new leafy roomate as if it was a delicate newborn he showed his boulder like muscles could be controlled to such an extent that even a cheap clay pot was safe in his arms. The slit that was his mouth curled into the biggest smile it could muster which honestly amounted to little more than more of his intimidating teeth being shown. With a few quick snorts of excitement he picked up where the Arachne left off, his voice somewhat hard to understand as each word seemed to Cary an underlying grunt with infrequent pauses mixed in to only complicate matters-truth be told though for a giant humanoid creature raised apart from any form of human society his English was pretty good. [b]"I to Th-ank you. Like much. Sen-ior Gua-we is still well, I h-ope?"[/b] Despite the years of being despised and openly mocked by the man known as Senior Guawe Growler was now asking about him in a way that was genuinely curious and made it obvious to anyone that could read body language he was asking out of real concern.