[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Diamond District [hr][hr][/center] Mali had a feeling he would have replied the same way no matter what answer she gave him. But even if that feeling were true, she had no idea whether that would indicate him faking enthusiasm. Everything she had seen about him seemed excited for everything under the sun. As Mali followed Genny down the hall, she couldn't help but notice that she felt noticeably less energetic than she had before coming into the spa. Maybe Wayne's secret was that he just passively siphoned away everyone else's energy. He had to power that perpetual motion mouth somehow. [color=D5FF00]"Well, I always hated the smell of roses."[/color] How those rotten flowers became known for smelling good was beyond her. Their odious stench always made her stomach lurch when she had to be around them. And on top of all that, they were covered in thorns. What an overrated flower. [color=D5FF00]"Nothing else springs to mind immediately. Unless you have some weird, experimental scents. I'd like to opt out of those."[/color] Part of Mali felt that she could be squandering the gift she'd been given by playing things so safe, but then another part of her remembered that she didn't want to show up to a party smelling like earwax and goat cheese because that happened to be some fad she'd been unaware of. She just had to settle for being largely unhelpful to the nice assistant that had been assigned to her.