[center][h1][url=https://dicecloud.com/character/Xt4oQPCh6DZr8Np6D/Arehm-of-Haven][color=black]Ahrem of Haven[/color][/url] [img]https://preview.ibb.co/i777N6/Ahrem_Token.gif[/img] [color=black]Knight of the Black Sword[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][h3]Hexblade 1[/h3] [/center] [center][quote=Wes Craven] [center]“A lot of life is dealing with your curse, dealing with the cards you were given that aren't so nice. Does it make you into a monster, or can you temper it in some way, or accept it and go in some other direction?”[/center] [/quote][/center]