Edmond had since left his chair, not at all amused when it became apparent to him that he was still stuck where he was and not back at the bus. He was very much oblivious to the unintended manifestation to his power, his backpack more or less raising from the ground and seeming to levitate for a moment before the light slowly folded around it, camouflaging it as well. The boy winced a little at hearing the commotion at the front of the room, but he was too caught up with his dream theory to bother. For all he knew, everything including them and this entire world were just a figment of his unconscious mind. Pondering on this, the thick darkness around the edges of the room started to gradually hold less and less sway over him, and he steadily moved near the back corner; he believed it time to investigate this dimly lit room. By the time the plush guide called on everyone to return to the chairs and listen, Ed had already visably materialized and felt around the nook, even knocking the walls with hi ear against the surface in expectation of an audible or otherwise tangible irregularity. Needless to say, he took exception to the possessed plushie's choice of words. "[color=deepskyblue][i]Hmph![/i] I was not crying...[/color]" he pouted quietly, pacing back to his seat, if only to get whatever it wanted over with. In short, if Ed didn't trust anyone who opens an explanation with refusal to delve into specifics on the grounds of doubt that he'd understand, he'd most certainly mistrust such individuals from now onward. From his folded arms and furrowed brow in the toy's direction, his wary skepticism couldn't be mistaken.