[color=f26522][b]OOF! (DalekCruccibul) [/b][/color] Hello! Welcome to the all inclusive, but slightly exclusive, guide to understanding this person, or me! *cue magical backstory sounds* I was born and raise in the Baltic States during the height of the USSR. I lived in a hobble with my father Gustav Nichlhart Chovestky and my mother Boobashaveltski... *record scratch* Oh. I'm supposed to introduce myself, like, actually. Because it might be important to connect to me as a "person". Oof. What a joke. Well, let's make this whole thing as painless as possible. Grab me some poster paper and duct tape. *construction noise* Dalek Cruccibul: A Primer [color=f26522]What Does He Like?[/color] - Long walks on the beach are great, but have you ever tried running barefoot through the woods? - Doctor Who (duh), Steven Universe (not so much duh), Stranger Things (duh because it's so good) - Writing. Which is sorta of a given, under this context. But also Drawing, which doesn't have to fit the context. [color=f26522]What Does He Technically Not Hate, But Isn't Fond Of?[/color] - The inability to appreciate the sacred form of satirical comedy. - When I procrastinate and start an assignment late, but I start at 8:02 or something, so I gotta wait until 8:30 because, well, it's too late to start at 8 on the dot anyways. - Lack of ambition and/or drive. Nobody likes a Lazy Susan. I'm not even sure if that's a phrase people use and I'm sure nobody likes it. [color=f26522]What Does He Ironically Hate?[/color] - Capitalist Pigs. Like, guys, we should just abolish the free market. Who cares about starvation? - People who don't use my pronoun "Apache". - People who breath. That's a pretty big pet peeve of mine, and a major turn off in a relationship. [color=f26522]So, like, What Kind of Roleplayer Are We Talkin' Here?[/color] - NOTE: These are attributes to my characters, in which those characters may take up any number of roles. - Comedy: Satire is something I like to instill in a character, but I'll also just go with normal ol' sarcasm/comic relief when it comes to how I portray that comedy. - Intelligence: I like to be able to have a character who isn't stupid, and can discuss thing in a more open ended manner. I like to project thoughts onto characters like an author projects thoughts onto their work. Or, you know, I could be dumb. - Flexibility: Comedy is great and all, but the best kind of character is one who doesn't need to be made to fill one role because they sort of fit into multiple roles. Humans are adaptable. A good character has room to grow and develop. There you go folks. I've said what I've said, and not what I haven't. *roll credits*