[center][h1][color=f26522]Milo Ventri[/color][/h1][/center] Milo listened to the grizzled sailor and when he revealed himself to be Vika's father he had to hold back a bit of surprise, this was awkward, he hadn't been expecting to meet parents just yet, odds were that Vika may never meet his. [color=f26522]"A pleasure to meet you Captain, and have no fear, I know the drill."[/color] Milo had on a look that spoke volumes, he seemed to be quite content, confident even as he spoke, this man was a hard working man of a true trade, he would see if Milo wasn't giving a good show of it. Some of Vika's behavior was pretty astonishing, public displays of affection with a guy she had just started dating, right in front of her dad, pretty ballsy if he did say so himself. As the Captain left them to their own devices Milo smiled and looked to Vika, [color=f26522]"Well, a good egg huh?"[/color] He let out a small laugh, [color=f26522]"That is not the phrase I would have thought to use but hey, whatever get the point across."[/color] Vika made a quick comment about his clothing for the evening, he was wondering what everyone else around town would be wearing, gladly he was happy to know that some tried to look nice and some were silly enough that he couldn't stand out to bad, [color=f26522]"Well thank you, though I think I am paling in comparison to box man over there."[/color] And he pointed to the man in the cardboard suit, [color=f26522]"But I know I pale to you, you look lovely."[/color] He smiled sweetly, as he spoke, she really did look great, [color=f26522]"Drink or dance? What do you feel like?"[/color] he said as he held out a hand to guide her wherever she wished. The crowd today was large but a few people were standing out, Marinalia, she was clearly visible, playing with a dog, Milo was surprised someone would bring their dog, but to each their own. What concerned him was a larger man arms crossed looking menacing, he was clearly not security, and it seemed of course Miss Marinalia was trying to speak to him, these two girls have more moxie than he really knows how to deal with, but that's half the fun. [@PrinceAlexus] [@SgtEasy] [@Valckyriie] [@Rabidporcupine]