[hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/05e4f740a0625615c66e197f7ade4bab/tumblr_inline_n67677uhZ91r7blwi.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=00ff00]Location[/color][/b]: Outside Building One (Medical)[/center][hr][hr] It was as if someone had ripped his heart out, as he heard only static. He wanted to reason that the radios wouldn't work with all of this disaster and destruction, but he feared the worse. Every fiber of his being felt as if they were being torn, slowly pulled apart until he would finally break and collapse. He wanted nothing more than to jump across and run through the fire to find his wife, even if it killed him. If it was a suicidal mission, so be it. He had made a vow to Tatiana. And if he was being honest with himself, he couldn't live in a world that she wasn't a part of. But he couldn't make that choice - it wasn't just his life that he'd be sacrificing. Tiffany was on the other side of the gap. The mess hall collapsed, ruining any chance of him rushing to see Tatiana. He wasn't sure if he wanted to scream or cry anymore. [color=00ff00]"You...You gotta jump to me, Tiff. It's not safe,"[/color] Jack said. It was like twisting the blade in an already created wound to say those words aloud - to admit that he couldn't go see to his wife's safety. Yet he knew that he needed to get Tiffany to safety. She didn't need to and shouldn't sacrifice her life, just so that way Jack could be a martyr for his wife. While Tatiana may be able to live without him, and had made a vow that she would keep on going, he just didn't know if he could do the same. [color=00ff00]"I'll catch ya, if you need it,"[/color] Jack added. They'd get out of Newnan. He'd drop Tiffany off somewhere safe - there was a rendez-vous point. And then if Tatiana wasn't there, he'd return and scour the area until he found her. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#23D5B7]Beatrice Decker[/color][/h1][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/InformalDemandingAmericanbittern-max-1mb.gif[/img][hr][color=#23D5B7][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Meeting (Three-way intersection near the Hershall Norred Water Plant)[/center][hr][hr] As the others talked, Beatrice listened, weighing her options. Normally, this was the point where she would split off from the group and make her own way. This settlement had fallen - her survival would be better if she left the area and found a new safe haven. Once that one fell, she would do the same. Rinse and repeat until the day she died, forming attachments to no one. It was how things worked downtown, especially in Justice, where death lurked on every street corner. Yet while her survival instincts told her to leave, Ryan had sacrificed his life for hers. She owed him a debt that could not be repaid. He had set out on this mission to help James in his efforts to annihilate Eden. And while James had not sacrificed his life for hers, he was still a friend. Within her ethical and moral viewpoint, she had to remain and help them take down Peachtree City. With so many dead and the destruction of Newnan, they would need all of the help they could get. The other group appeared to be joining as well - having a tank on their side wouldn't hurt. Yet she still felt narrowly divided between the two options - survive or live (and likely die). She didn't feel especially strong connections to anyone here but...Some of Newnan's fallen had become the closest thing she had to family. Ryan, Tiffany, James. There was nothing that she could do for them now. She might as well avenge them. And since she couldn't kill Mother Nature, Eden was the next best thing. [color=#23D5B7]"I'm coming. You'll need someone who can think like them,"[/color] Beatrice replied, before hopping into the back of the truck. [color=#23D5B7]"I'm from Justice - Eden isn't much different."[/color][hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Ravi Chakrabarti[/color][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/0a9ee58c80b7042328d6f36dba33b696/tumblr_opcz609Cem1wn4pzxo3_500.gif[/img][hr][color=#00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Funeral Home, North of Newman[/center][hr][hr] Riley didn't need to tell Ravi that Chloe had shot herself - the signs were clear. Gunshot wounds had different appearances for murders than for suicides. In his line of work, it was a necessary skill to be able to decipher between the two. One meant an active investigation, the other meant a case closed. What Ravi didn't know was the reason behind Chloe's suicide. Had she been planning it this entire time? Reflecting back on the last hour, it troubled him. She had been rather tense and disagreeable, right after Miss Sally died. And then she had been the one to make a fuss when Gavin and the others left. Perhaps she had agreed to this run in order to get access to a gun, that way she could end it. He was normally a blunt person, but he decided to keep this information to himself for now. It wouldn't help Riley grieve her sister's death to know that she had likely been planning it since this morning. He left the funeral home, following Riley and Niesha still. The structure likely wouldn't last much longer, especially with the way the wood had begun to creak. [color=00ccff]"Riley, Niesha, I'm sorry but...We can't go back there. It's a disaster zone. Every walker in the area will be drawn to it and the odds that anyone survived are grim at best."[/color] He didn't want to hurt them - but they deserved to know the odds. Earthquakes were deadly and devastating - and while this natural disaster was different, it would still be in their best interest to leave Newnan. [color=00ccff]"Gavin and the others - they're headed to Peachtree City. If you know the direction, we can meet with them and regroup."[/color]