[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmI3MWYxZi5RMmhoY205dUlFWnZkR2xoLjAAAAAA/jmh-rastan.rastanboldblack-regular.png[/img][/center] In the black darkness of Charon's mind appeared a small house and the snowy landscape around it. At first glance, he really didn't recognize the home. As the snow started to pick up in speed and intensity he decided that it would be a good idea to seek shelter, Charon looked around him but doesn't see any other houses aside from the one that's right in front of him. With no other options, he starts walking towards the small odd looking house. As Charon gets closer he starts to notice how the snow looks like it's been piling up for quite a long time. Now that he could get a closer look he noticed how the house looked very broken down and dark, did anyone even live here? During his hasty approach, certain details of the weathered red brickwork stood out to Charon. The lifeless brush before the abode, the generally colour-stripped foundation, all of it seemed... familiar. These small details eventually added up to Charon, and a grim realization took him [color=ed1c24]"Could that possibly be my uncle's house"[/color] Charon felt a cold shiver rush down his spine, Charon begins to sweat profusely and because of this Charon is even colder than he was before. He approaches the old wood door rotten and broken from age. The hinges rusted to the point where they could barely support their own weight. Charon attempts to open it with the handle but instead of opening like a door should, the hinges gave in to the weight of the door and fell off, causing this old disgusting door to fall over on its front side. [color=ed1c24]"Well shit, I wasn't expecting that at all"[/color] Looking beyond the door he is greeted by the horrific sight of his dead uncle still lying in the same place that he was left, a host of injuries covered his body. Long claw marks trailed down his spine, both hamstrings were severed and finally a fatal slice to the neck. In one of the corners, a familiar voice can be heard. [color=0054a6]"You left him like this, you left him to die. You truly are pathetic."[/color] The voice growled at him from the shadows, it's tone carrying an ice-cold anger. He knew the voice and he knew who it was, but why would he say these things, better yet how would he know? Before Charon could think about what he just heard another voice echoed from behind him. [color=E9D66B]"Hmm, you couldn't save him looks like your both out of luck."[/color] The other voice mocked Charon, followed by laughter making fun of the greatest tragedy in Charon's life. In a fit of emotions, he screams [color=ed1c24]"Why are you doing this? just leave me alone!"[/color] The first voice scoffed. [color=0054a6]"Fool..."[/color] As the other keeps laughing like it was the funniest joke he's ever heard. The sound of small footsteps quickly approaches from behind him as a booming voice screamed. [color=a2d39c]"TRAITOR!!!"[/color] [hr] Charon bolts upright in his clutching a fistful of his sheets in each hand. He realized that the once white sheets were chared black where he was holding. He was heavily breathing and looked panicked, Charon took a moment to calm down his breathing. After he was able to calm down his breathing he laid back on his bed, closed his eyes and thought about the dream. A few moments later he heard two of his teammates talking [color=ed1c24][i]Those voices are the last thing I wanted to hear right now.[/i][/color] [color=a2d39c]"Sorry,"[/color] [color=0054a6]"It's fine... no harm done... Didn't expect to be dodging spears at this hour though."[/color] As he hears the mention of dodging spears Charon's eyes shoot open just to see a spear above him[color=ed1c24]"Glas... Why is there a spear in the wall?"[/color] Charon rubs his eyes as he sits up and asks [color=ed1c24]"What time does class start at?"[/color] he says half awake. [@CriticalHit][@lantgreen][@Misumichan]