[quote=@CollectorOfMyst] [@Leaves] You need to choose a hair colour, an item, and a skill. Bandages regain HP, Whiskey regains sanity, and Dynamite does damage. The Bear Claw is your personal item - Mae will likely tell you what it can do once the picture is finalised, if the past says anything. This is your personal skill, which everyone gets. For me, I get two dice rolls with a bonus of one movement, because I chose Cavalry Scout. Scarescrow chose Hardened Resolve, which boosted Scare's sanity up to 12 instead of the standard 10. [/quote] Apologies. I misread it. >> Dick Grant scratches his brown hair. He remembers that when he in a fight that he relies on a Knockout Punch. Even then, he'll use bandages if the fight becomes too risky.