[@Holy Grail] [h3]PHILIA VON EINZBERN[/h3][B]Roof, Stephansplatz, Vienna[/b] Although being carried bridal-style across the rooftops of Vienna on a moonlit night were not within any of her expectations for how their journey would go, Philia von Einzbern's reaction to being suddenly scooped up was no more than a simple, audible jolt of surprise, one that was quickly smoothed over as she adapted to the sensation of being carried. It may not have been a method of transport she would have considered in any other situation, but there was surprisingly little discomfort in it, with Archer's powerful arms maintaining a stable hold of her body as they leapt through the air. Even the chill of the wind was less prominent than she had thought it would be. Landing on the northern tower was a logical choice. The homunculus mentally approved of her Servant's decision, noting that it would be far easier to conceal their presence from any members of the public that were still present this late in the evening, as well as enemy Masters who may have been watching the Church. She moved the latter thought further up on the list of issues they would possibly need to resolve: given the likelihood of other factions in the Heaven's Feel ritual to know of the Roman Catholic Church's policy towards Grail, it was not unwise to assume that they would be observing St. Stephen's Cathedral for any suspicious activity. In order to not draw any attention, which was admittedly unlikely, they would need to be inconspicuous in their movements. "We should head down," said Philia, her eyes cooling observing the mosaiced rooftop and the towers for a moment. There were numerous Devil-related incidents associated with St. Stephen's, such as the legend that the wind and rain that plagued the skies around the Stephansplatz (fortunately yet to afflict her and her Servant) was the work of that being. They were interesting tidbits of information to consider, but there was little need to focus so heavily on them at the current moment. She planned out her course of action. The objective was to meet with any representative of the Roman Catholic Church present within the cathedral, which would effectively serve as neutral ground due to the unwillingness of most magi to bring the wrath of God's men upon them. Important considerations when entering included maintaining a discreet presence, both to hide from the public, and to minimise how much information any factions watching could glean from their appearance. Philia craned her neck up to look at Archer. "Do you have any other clothing?" she asked, noting the clear Near Eastern fashion sensibilities of her Servant. They were millennia out of date with what was viewed as acceptably chic in modern Vienna. "It may be necessary to reduce your profile in case any Masters or Servants are nearby or observing the Church." It was equally possible that a faction could attempt to ambush them before they entered the cathedral. That was another situation they would need to prepare for. When faced against unknowns, however, there was little they could do but act with caution, and keeping Archer's identity difficult to ascertain was one particular path they could take.