[@TheRedWatcher][@WXer] I'd also like to point out another thing. Specifically, I have a problem with this here- [quote=@WXer] Reputation: As Eita Mera, Akihisa is a celebrity in the theatre scene. His performances, along with the others in his kabuki troupe, are quite salacious that they sometimes cause a ruckus among the audience. Conveniently, these brawls can often lead to deaths that don’t seem to end up at the local coroner’s office. Indeed, this new art celebrated by the people of the new era allow Akihisa to walk among the people as a ghoul, albeit with heavy makeup or with a Men-yoroi mask on. [/quote] See, my issue with this is, there's no way the Kujo-Sha wouldn't notice this. Your character would become a target for the exterminators. Even if you already were a Kujo-Sha, the rest of the group would find out and probably expel you before hunting you down.