[@Rabidporcupine] [s]First of all I can't unsee my typo from last post where I tagged you as Rapid- instead of rabid and I find the mental images this brings me too funny and I am aware my humor sucks.[/s] Second: I'm cracking up imagening poor Joseph creaking about in that damned suit. Third: I came across some Parks and Rec gifs that I feel sum up Joseph pretty well. [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/6435ddc97f6e8e7e34417d8e4fa8b8dc/tumblr_no6zdz5OpW1shjo9mo10_r1_250.gif[/img] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/4e531e9f1c7c3a02bea4bac407efca51/tenor.gif?itemid=4934007[/img]