[quote=@The Spectre] Yikes. [url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-texts-reveal-anti-trump-pro-clinton-comments/2017/12/12/e0685f80-dfa4-11e7-bbd0-9dfb2e37492a_story.html]The Justice Department released FBI messages that are clearly anti-Trump[/url]. What are your guys thoughts on the Trump-Russia investigation now? [/quote] This is a terrible attempt at discrediting the entire investigation via guilt by association. Two former people on Mueller's team, who were [b]both fired by Mueller[/b] for having 'anti-Trump bias', shared opinions in privacy before the investigation began. FBI agents are allowed to have opinions, especially on a man that has attacked the FBI several times. [url=http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-quinnipiac-poll-idiot-liar-incompetent-745890]Opinions commonly shared by the public[/url]. An opinion also shared by the Trump appointed [url=http://www.newsweek.com/rex-tillerson-still-wont-deny-he-called-trump-moron-685477]Secretary of State Rex Tillerson[/url]. Both agents were removed before the press even learned about their 'bias'. They haven't been involved in the investigation for months now. The deputy attorney, Rod Rosenstein is [url=http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/364686-deputy-attorney-general-says-no-cause-to-fire-mueller]behind Mueller and sees no reason to fire him[/url]. He was the one that appointed the special council. [list] [*] Mueller was appointed by the current administration. [*] Mueller was last known to be a registered Republican. [url=https://www.bustle.com/p/is-robert-mueller-a-democrat-republican-his-appointment-was-lauded-by-both-parties-58693]He has a history of non-partisanship.[/url] [*] [url=http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/337182-trump-considered-mueller-for-fbi-director-before-he-was-named-special]Mueller was interviewed and considered by Trump to be the FBI Director after Comey was fired.[/url][/list] The investigation has led to the indictments of four people. Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos and Gates. Mueller ain't going away. [hr] The real concerning thing here is that the head of DOJ used their power to assassinate the character of two private citizens by leaking their text messages sent in privacy to the press.