[hider=Pretty much done] [center][h1]Steven Cooper[/h1][/center] [center][img] https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-qW3h5OqGWX8/VaBB-NBPxuI/AAAAAAABNYo/l_rhyQ5KpjY/w265-h353-n/anime-guy-suit.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3] Your heart and soul belongs to me[/h3][/center] [color=000000][b][u]Basic Info[/u][/b][/color] [color=000000][b]Name[/b][/color] Steven Cooper (alias) [hider=True name]The true name of every Fox Immortal is a closely guarded secret. Legend says that those who can speak the true name of a Fox Immortal can negate their powers or even erase their existence from the mortal plain. There is one man who knows Steven’s true name within the order of the guardian knights of Christ. Ezekiel Cromwell, Archguardian of the Cross. The true name of Steven is Tianwu. [/hider] [color=000000][b]Gender[/b][/color] Complicated but most of the times male [color=000000][b]Age[/b][/color] 4356 years [color=000000][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] Everything [color=000000][b]Species[/b][/color] Húxiān or Fox Immortal in English [color=000000][b][u]In dept information on the Fox Immortal[/u][/b][/color] Thousands of years before the birth of Gautama Buddha the Han people worshiped what is now known as the ancient pantheon of Tian. The ancient Chinese pantheon consists of many gods, deities and immortals. One of them is Húshén, the Fox God(dess). The truth about Húshén is that the god is not one but two gods. Húshén is both the great lord and the great lady of the three foxes. The three foxes are also known as the Fox Immortals. The Fox immortals are three ancient guardian spirits from china who are known under various names in different Asian folklore. In China the folklore talks about Húli Jing, in Japan are legends about the Kitsune and Korea has their myths about the Kumiho. The truth is that all these myths and legends talk about the same ancient spirits and most of the depictions of the Fox Immortals in these stories have little base in reality. A long time ago Fox Immortals used to be guardian spirits of places of natural beauty. Most of those places where destroyed as human civilization advanced. Now Fox Immortals roam the earth without any true purpose. Fox Immortals are in fact not Immortal, however they can extend their lives indefinitely by consuming the souls of living creatures. Many stories talk about the shapeshifting abilities of the so called fox spirits. There is some truth in those stories but it is far more darker than most of mankind actually knows. Fox Immortals can shapeshift into persons and animals after they have ripped the beating hearth out of the body of their victim and eaten it. Every shape, person or animal a fox immortal transforms in was once a living creature. The Fox immortal can shapeshift into any person regardless of gender, age or race. They often stay in a certain human form for years or even decades while living in human societies. Fox Immortals tend to develop some kind of fondness towards a certain appearance and develop a persona around it that they keep up for years. Because the Fox Immortals have been alive for thousands of years, they have shifted between bodies and genders a lot. The concept of gender, sexuality and age has become something vague to the Fox Immortals. All Fox Immortals have a true form, the form they were granted by their deity upon creation. Legend says that they are at their most powerful in their true form, but that assumption is wrong. No Fox Immortal would ever show their true form to a human because that would be an indication that their unnatural powers are dwindling and they no longer can sustain their magical abilities. [color=000000][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/color] The best way to describe a shapeshifting spirits appearance is by his currently alias, Steven Cooper. Steven could best be described as a fine build human male in his late 20s. His length is of above average height without being considered abnormally long. He’s athletically build without being overly muscled and his skin is tanned without being too much. With his neatly done black hair, dark mysterious eyes and his tailor made trendy suit many would say that he’d work as some male model. Steven prefers good quality clothing. He’s a strong believer that clothes make the man and looking good is very high on his priority list. The Fox Immortal has a strong preference for dark colors. Steven is usually spotted in a black suit, with a black shirt, black shoes and all finished with a black tie. When people ask about his fascination with the color black he often responds that he’s in the funeral business and that his job is to guide souls to their final resting place. [hider=True form] All shapeshifting spiritual entities have their true form. The spiritual form they had when coming into existance. For Tianwu that is no difference. The true form of a Fox Immortal is purely a manifestation of his spiritual essence in the material world. [img]https://robertchaen.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/s12tkw.png?w=377&h=309[/img] [/hider] [color=000000][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/color] Steven is gifted with an unnatural charm. He’s easy going and always flexible in social situations. The Fox Immortal has some sort of 6th sense for how he should behave in order to be liked, regardless of what kind of person or gender he’s impersonating. Parents would see him as the ideal boyfriend for their daughters. This near perfectness is a façade. Every gentle smile, little joke or friendly word is in fact a cool, calculated decision in order to manipulate his target audience into doing his bidding. In reality, Steven is very egoistic. His world revolves around him and he lacks empathy. He doesn’t feel guilt or any remorse towards humanity and clearly considers himself a higher lifeform. He has never forgiven humanity for destroying his natural sanctuary for the sake of progress. Steven considers humanity fair game and does not care much what happens to humans. [color=000000][b][u]Likes [/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=000000][b]Classical music:[/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]Nature:[/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]animals:[/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]Reading:[/b][/color] [/list] [color=000000][b][u]Dislikes [/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=000000][b]Humans[/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]Technology[/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]The order of the guardian knights of christ [/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]Ezekiel Cromwell[/b][/color] [/list] [color=000000][b][u]Powers[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=000000][b]Near immortality:[/b][/color] Fox Immortals are almost immortal. In essence they are spirits that can extend their lives indefinitely as long as they replenish their spiritual energy by consuming souls. They manifest themselves through physical bodies in the material world. These bodies can be damaged and destroyed, forcing the Fox Immortal to either shapeshift into another acquired body or expose his true form. Physical bodies can be damaged just like any other physical object in the material world. However the destruction of such a body does not equal the end of the spiritual form of the Fox Immortal. [*] [color=000000][b]Shapeshifting:[/b][/color] Shapeshifting is a power that allows the Fox Immortal to become something or someone else. It goes beyond just appearance. Steven can literary become his victim. Taking over not just the body but also the voice, mannerisms and even memories. However, to be able to do such a transformation requires the input of the right data. Steven Needs to consume the soul and heart of a victim in order to acquire the ability to change into him/her. The victim needs to be alive and have a soul in order to be able to be consumed. Any form of undead creatures such as vampires, zombies, mummies do not fit the requirements. Being that only have a spiritual body lack a physical heart to consume. When shapeshifting Steven takes over the physical abilities of the person/animal he has consumed. All abilities that come from their natural body are at his exposal. Any form of supernatural abilities cannot be taken over. The bodies Steven can shapeshift in are frozen in time. They do not age, do not grow, change improve or decay in any form of natural way. He cannot train a body as a human does. Steven will have to deal with the limitations of that body. Bodies can be damaged and that damage is permanent. [*] [color=000000][b]Soul consumption:[/b][/color] Steven needs to consume souls in order to extend his life and power his ability to shapeshift. Also consuming souls will actually heal damage to his spiritual body. In order to consume someone’s soul, Steven need to make physical skin contact with the victim. Steven can also consume lost souls who are stuck in the material world better known as ghosts. However not every soul is as easily consumed as human/animal souls. Souls of higher beings such as angels, demons, deities, gods and supernatural creatures often contain much more spiritual energy making them able to resist consumption. Even strong willed and well-trained humans such as experienced knights of the order of Christ might resist for a long duration. [*] [color=000000][b]Fox claws:[/b][/color] Steven has retractable claws that he can manifest in human forms. These claws are so sharp and powerful that they can easily tear through skin, muscle and bone. [*] [color=000000][b]Physical form immunities:[/b][/color]The Physical forms of Steven are not living organisms but animated objects who have the physical properties of who they represent. Because the physical manifestations of Steven are animated objects they are immune to aging, decease, poisons and effects that would transform them into living death (zombie/vampire bites). Damage to the bodies works a bit differently too. You can cut off the head but the rest will continue to function. Cut off the legs and Steven can continue to crawl around using his arms till the end of times if he wanted too. However, that would be rather inconvenient. Since bodies are not living organisms, wounds/damage cannot heal and shapeshifting into that particular form would become useless. [/list] [color=000000][b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=000000][b]His true name:[/b][/color] Those who can speak out his true name can negate his powers temporarily and expose his true form. Through the true name of the Fox Immortal these guardian spirits can be bound to a contract for servitude. [*] [color=000000][b]His true form:[/b][/color] The true form of a Fox Immortal Is purely spiritual and its ability to influence the material world limited. In its true form, the spiritual essence of the Fox Immortal is exposed and vulnerable to anything that can destroy spiritual entities such as the Sword of Saint George. [*] [color=000000][b]Weapons engraved with his true name:[/b][/color] Penetrating his psychical body with weapons engraved with his true name will damage his spiritual form eventually killing him. [*] [color=000000][b]Any form of anti-spirit magic, seals and charms:[/b][/color] Certain spells, charms, symbols and rituals that ward off evil spirits can protect a humans soul or prevent Steven from entering certain rooms or buildings. Some symbols can even entrap him in a confined space. [/list] [color=000000][b][u]Skills[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=000000][b]Expert martial artist[/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]Expert in the use of butterfly swords[/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]Proficient player of the violin[/b][/color] [*] [color=000000][b]A very convincing liar[/b][/color] [/list] [color=000000][b][u]Equipment[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=000000][b]Dual silver butterfly swords[/b][/color] [/list] [color=000000][b][u]Biography[/u][/b][/color] Tian, the realm of the gods? Heaven? The ethereal plane where all Qi flows from that created the universe or the supreme god himself? Not even the ancient spirits know how everything came into existence. What they do know is that the spirits came into existence in order to govern over natural phenomenon. Be it the seas, mountains, valleys over even the sky and earth itself. For all that is on earth there are spirits that preserve the balance so that all life could flourish. For all phenomenon there are spirits, except for one. Humanity. Many thousands of years ago a great forest grew in what we would now call northern China. Húshén, the Fox goddess who is closely related to nature recognized the beauty and created an immortal Fox spirit by the name of Tianwu to guard over the place, preserve its balance so that all species who lived there could flourish. For thousands of years Tianwu nurtured his sanctuary, always preserving the balance between the species so that there was room for all. Dark clouds started to gather above the forest as the first humans settled near its borders. They felled down tree’s for building their homes and hunted the animals for food. During the first few centuries the humans where small in numbers but as the time progresses their numbers increased. Soon the humans needed more space for their agriculture and more parts of the forest where chopped down in order to turn it into farmland. Tianwu realized that humans where an invasive force that would destroy the balance and beauty of the forest until all of it would be gone. He soon started to take the souls and hearts of animals so that he could manifest himself in a material way in order to combat the humans and preserve the sanctuary that was entrusted by the Fox goddess to him. No matter how much humans Tianwu killed, more would always come to take more trees, steal more land and kill more animals. The battle to preserve the forest was not one Tianwu could win. By the end of the 19th century, the last tree was cut down and the forest and the home of Tianwu was no more. The Fox Immortal had lost his home to humanity and failed at his task as guardian spirit. With such disgrace, Tianwu could never return to the realm of the gods and was destined to roam the earth forever. Enraged by the destruction of his home, Tianwu found a new purpose in fighting humanity wherever he could. For decades he would consume the souls of humans, occasionally eating their hearts as well if the specimen was interesting enough to add to his collection of shapes he could take. For decades his rampage would go unopposed but no matter how much human life he ended, they would always reproduce faster. It was not until 1983 that he would gather attention of some sort of supernatural hunting organisation. In the winter of that year, Tianwu stumbled across a conference of cardinals of the catholic church in Germany. Hundreds of priests, cardinals and other church administrators had gathered in a conference centre to discuss matters. So much humans in such a confined space was an opportunity Tianwu could not resist. The next day newspapers reported about the “Munich incident” where hundreds of people seemed to have died of a heart attack and a good number had their hearts ripped out of them. The order of the guardian knights of Christ sended their best man to deal with the treat. Confronted by a single human, Tianwu could do nothing else but laugh. No human was capable of killing a Spirit and his name was stuff of vague legends in China and totally unknown in Europe. A human could never overpower a spirit. It has simply been never done. Except on that fateful day when a Guardian Knight said “Tianwu!” [/hider]