[i]Reia watched as Welkins entered the room, and he waved back at her. He sat down, noting that she looked exhausted. He asked what happened, and she almost started crying right then and there. She lowered her head slightly so her forehead rested in her hands, and she breathed deep and slow to try and stay calm. [color=f6989d]"I'll tell you over dinner. It's not a topic for class,"[/color] she said softly, her voice shaky. Welkins then took her hand and tried to comfort her. She clenched her teeth together to hold back tears and then cleared her throat. She almost felt the need to be excused from class, and she wanted to speak with Kalona as well. She wasn't sure though what class held today, and was willing to wait and see before she decided to stay or go. So far it seemed they would just be working on written work, history of weapons, and other. That was something she could do later on in her own time. She stood up slowly from the table again and looked at Welkins. [color=f6989d]"I need to go speak with Master Kalona. I don't think I'll be returning to class though. Do you think you could take notes for me so I can get them from you later?"[/color] Reia leaned forward and kissed Welkins cheek quickly, her lips barely touching his skin. She left some of her paper on his desk so he could use it for notes, and then turned to leave the class. She smiled very faintly at the instructor, and he simply nodded and allowed her to leave. On her way up to Kalona's office, she considered what she was going to say. There were many thoughts going through her mind, and before she knew it she was face to face with his office door. Before she could knock, the door swung open and she blinked slightly. [color=9e0b0f]"Come in Reia. We have much to talk about,"[/color] Kalona said, an understanding smile spreading across his face. Reia nodded and stepped inside, Kalona closing the door behind her. She could feel him standing behind her for a moment, and his height made her feel inferior, but she was used to that. Kalona however, was intimidating in every aspect of the word. Reia waited for Kalona to sit at his desk, and she took in the features of the room again, still amazed by how gorgeous it was. [b]A gorgeous room, for a gorgeous being[/b], she thought. She sat down in the chair on the other side of his desk, and curled her legs up slightly. [color=9e0b0f]"Congratulations on your first mission here. I trust things went well?"[/color] Kalona asked curiously, though Reia wasn't sure if he was asking because he already knew and wanted her opinion, or because he was genuinely curious how it went. [color=f6989d]"Yes sir, things went as well as they could, I suppose. There was one casualty though. But I tried my best, and ensured the safety of Ophelia,"[/color] she said, her voice sounding strained. She knew she didn't need to say much else about the situation. Kalona would understand. [color=9e0b0f]"I see. Well done. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. Either way I trust you will be a great asset to us here. I'm sure you've heard by now that we are setting up extra precautions due to Welkins spotting a possible spy. I can ensure you though, things will work out. Your payment will be in your account by noon today."[/color] he added. He looked at Reia with an intensity that she couldn't look away from. She noticed she was holding her breath, and breathed out slowly. Kalona's normal smile turned into one that was much more cheeky, a crooked half smile. Reia's eyes widened for a moment and then she managed to look away, shifting slightly in her seat. [color=f6989d]"Master Kalona, was there anything else you wanted to speak to me about? Or should I get going to class?"[/color] Reia didn't mind his intensity, but she wasn't used to it really. Kalona stood up then from his desk and moved around to the front of it, leaning against it slightly, looking down at her. [color=9e0b0f]"Reia, your grades are fantastic. I'm sure after your time at SPA you could use a couple of days off of school. Take some time to recover, and come see me again when you feel better. I'll ensure I gather all of the things you've missed."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Are you sure that's okay? I'm sure I can handle it,"[/color] Reia tried to argue, but Kalona cut her off. [color=9e0b0f]"Enough. Now go home and get some rest, focus on yourself for a while..."[/color] Reia didn't bother trying to fight him on this. He was the Head Master after all, but the way he said the last bit of his sentence made her blush, whether it was meant that way or not. He handed her a note to give to her weaponry instructor. [color=f6989d]"Yes sir. Thank you,"[/color] she said, a gentle smile playing across her lips. She got up, brushing off her outfit to keep it wrinkle free, and headed to the door. She could feel Kalona's eyes on her, and she pulled the heavy door back and stepped outside, closing it behind her. She let out a deep breath when she knew she was out of his eyesight, and shook herself out. What a weird interaction. She wanted to find Welkins and tell him she was being sent home. The conversation with Kalona didn't take any more than half an hour, so she figured he would still be in weaponry. For some reason now, despite everything that had happened the day before, Reia's mood was lifted after speaking with Kalona. She finally made her way to weaponry. Without knocking, she entered the room and walked over to Welkins, [color=f6989d]"I've been ordered to take a couple days off of school. Are we still on for dinner?"[/color] The blush was still apparent on her cheeks, and she waited for his response. When he finally responded, she brought the note from Kalona up to the front, handed it off and disappeared out the door, heading toward her house.[/i]