[center][h1][url=https://dicecloud.com/character/Xt4oQPCh6DZr8Np6D/Arehm-of-Haven][color=black]Ahrem of Haven[/color][/url] [img]https://preview.ibb.co/i777N6/Ahrem_Token.gif[/img] [color=black]Knight of the Black Sword[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][h2]Haven[/h2][/center] Ahrem marched down the streets, hooded once again with a new purpose. He didn’t express it as much, earlier, but now that he is outside the Library, he realized how overjoyed he was about the news. The High Wizard, himself, granting him a Scroll of Pedigree. He almost felt the need to start hopping and skipping over to the notice boards, with a wide smile on his face, as he sang ballads of how joyous this day is. But alas, ever the stoic, Ahrem only stuck with a slight smile on his face. He still needed to prove that he was of noble character, and he didn’t need to make a fool of himself howling and hopping in the middle of the streets like a crazed toad. And for him, the day wasn’t quite over, yet. [hr] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/f57e/f/2015/181/4/1/language_notice_board_by_drstein-d8zfq0i.jpg[/img][/center] Ahrem stood in front of the notice boards, eying the different quests available. The City Watch was, as always, looking for new recruits. Given how his curse has mystically instilled upon him martial abilities he had not known before as well as a means to overcome his lack of physical prowess, he would have actually considered enlisting if not for the fact that it would be a long-term obligation. And besides, he came here to find something notable for him to be recognized, not devote his life to being a beat cop. As his eyes continued to scan the board, he almost yawned at some of these requests. Rats? No noble would be caught dead dealing with rats! That might define his character in a different way. And the brigands? That felt like absolute suicide to him, at this time, walking into the middle of a bandit’s camp with his current set of expertise. Not even his strongest spell could take on an organized group in their own turf. That leaves only one option. Missing persons. Ahrem overlooked it at first, but after giving it a second read, he realized how perfect this was for him. One of the missing persons listed was a noblewoman. This would definitely net him some form of patronage, if he is able to provide significant aid in solving it. His years spent in the library finding any obscure information about his curse has also done much good to his sleuthing skills, so he’ll be able to provide a fair amount of assistance. And most of all, this case hits Ahrem close to home. He’s lived with his mother most of his life and he still tries his best to provide for her, so the thought of her, so the thought of a child having their mother snatched away in the shadows of the darkest city streets did not sit well with Ahrem. [color=black]”... Missing women, huh? I suppose I could start by narrowing down where these women were last seen.”[/color]