[@POOHEAD189] When ever does the current administration admit anything to their opposition? Look at the lengths they have gone to in order to prevent leaking. Everything they do behind the scenes is under absolute lock and key, utter secrecy, because anything they do - even [i]going back to the moon[/i] - is somehow fuel for controversy and spite. As for having "Nothing to hide.", that seems to be the real issue, that they have nothing to hide. But this comes back around, do you enjoy people spying on you? Everyone makes a great point of the hysteria about "net neutrality" and internet privacy, see all the issues taken with the National Security Agency alone, so why would this be any different? Let us not forget the man has been called "one of the most transparent administrations in history" and has complied with all the requests for information. The Donald Trump Jr. meeting, as we have come to learn was a set-up by his opposition in an attempt to trap him for having a meeting. I remind you that they were indeed there under entirely different pretenses that had [i]nothing[/i] to do with intelligence gathering about their opponent. If that were untrue, the argument of collusion would have been proven outright. Donald Trump Jr. politely saw himself out the moment it turned that direction and this has been publicly validated; it was posted directly to Twitter even. I am not going to point fingers at previous administration, because everyone rolls their eyes at it, but thus far? There is significantly less scandal here still compared to "scandal free" presidencies and ones that promised transparency and still have holdovers who refuse to honor it - to the point of ignoring court orders, repeatedly choosing to plead the fifth, decline to appear, or submit documents for Freedom of Information requests or investigative agency demands. [i]That[/i] is suspicious to me. The President and his inner circle being completely tight-lipped? Not an ounce of shock down the spine here. Look to the fake news parade and how many times they have jumped the metaphorical gun with believing they had proof on this investigation; no one knowing anything is for the better, because apparently, if they even so much as think they know something, they fire it off and hope they are right. That is not how an agency, federal or news, should be doing business. [@Xandrya] People do not find fulfillment by forcing it into themselves, they need work their own way into it. The same thing can be said with forced conversions of old - how many people truly admitted and surrendered themselves to their new faith, rather than play along so as to avoid torture or death? Few, I think. As for finding a way to decouple from stress, as I said before, turn not to religion but to spirituality. There is nothing wrong with being a spiritual person and coming to find what you personally believe so long as you are not imposing it on others. It truly is for the better to feel it out for yourself and not turn to the institutions of man who claim to know about what "faith" is; you already feel a bitterness there it seems, correct me if I am wrong, but my advice is to honestly discover it for your own benefit. Provided you are not forcing anyone else to participate or doing any harm, I believe with good reason you might be pleasantly surprised. Either way, I hope that offers some solace.