[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [@PlatinumSkink] [@Eklispe][/center] Amelia was starting to wonder how many times she might be left either breathless or with a sense of wonder on this trip. The view that greeted her when she reached Route 5 was positively stunning and she had to take a second to take it all in, just staring out at it with her mouth open slightly in shock. When she finally did recover, she began moving through the route, looking for a spot with an excellent view. Of course, she was scanning the Pokémon she came across and tried to approach the Deerlings she came across, approaching them slowly and in a nonthreatening manner. Whether she failed or not, Amelia would continue looking for a hill or similar relatively safe place with a view before taking a seat and reaching into her bag to pull out something she hadn't used yet and somewhat wish she had. Her sketchpad, filled with several drawings of her pokemon friends back home. Moving to a blank page, she brought out a pencil and began sketching the landscape before her, her attention now completely on the task at hand and not her surroundings. [hider=Action] Marvel at scenery, try to make friends with local Deerling. Find a place with a nice view to begin her first sketch of this journey. Interaction with friendly humans welcome (though they will scare her initially, cause focus).[/hider]