[color=a187be]"Still don't trust her."[/color] Impmon replied with a humph as Lana and Ranamon dashed off. [color=a187be]"And I ain't doin her no favors either."[/color] Rachel remained passive as usual, stretching and picking up Impmon again and patting him on the head. [color=ed1c24]"Hey, it don't matter."[/color] Kameo replied with her usual cheerfulness. [color=ed1c24]"Anyways, were wastin' time! Off to the forest!"[/color] Kameo slapped Rachel on the back which earned the redhead a small glare from her as she dashed off, following quickly behind Yumeko. Swimmon followed behind, zipping through the air like some sort of flying fish. Rachel of course, followed at her own relaxed pace. Whew, she could go for something to drink about now. Soon enough though, they found themselves at the forest, a wild Dokunemon wiggled its way past them, before hissing and scurrying off into the brush. [color=a187be]"...well Ain't that suspicious?"[/color] Impmon said from where Rachel was carrying him. Rachel was inclined to agree...though she supposed it could also be in a hurry. Still suspicious though. [color=ed1c24]"Not as fast as me! I may be a water-type but I'm just as fast on land!"[/color] Kameo bounced energetically before bolting after the Dokunemon. [color=0076a3]"Ack! K-kameo don't run off!"[/color] The redhead was followed swiftly by Swimmon who was understandably concerned that this wasn't going to end well.